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The Fairies

The fairies have never a penny to spend,

They haven't a thing put by,
But theirs is the dower of bird and of flower
And theirs are the earth and sky.
And though you should live in a palace of gold
Or sleep in a dried up ditch
You could never be as poor as the fairies are,
And never as rich.

Since ever and ever the world began

They have danced like a ribbon of flame,
They have sung their song through centuries long
And yet it is never the same.
And though you be foolish or though you be wise,
With hair of silver or gold,
You can never be as young as the fairies are,
And never as old.

Rose Fyleman

Hello I am Lady Eliza Surrue, and I have traveled here on my Dragon Ravoc. We have made friends with the Fairies, a strange task which has not been done well by the people of my realm. Here we shall share the fairies stories, legends, joys, tears, knowledge, art and music..please enjoy and be patient.

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A lovely site. Dedicated to the story of a Fairy Kingdom.
