Angels Landing Tower Design Project:

The International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency or INEDA is an interactive source for healing & healers online.

Here we are evolving & designing a new way to live in HARMONY with Nature & all elemental forces in the Universe.

This Spring, of 2008 we are partnering with a wireless service provider to improve communications for the Town of Milton & surrounding areas.

Angels Landing, as by now my readers may be aware, is a higher elevated area of the Town of Milton. It is remote, & on the top of a hill which was, a hundred years or so back, a farm. The Piggot Farm.

I have been playing with technology I just barely understand to make my friends & allies more able to SEE the place as a bird or engineer with maps does. I am learning to speak engineering. We have a site: both a web site & a physical place on Earth site. We are tossing ideas about in this phase; "blue skying it"...


These links are for you to navigate with us; explore, contemplate, & consider: HOW TO BUILD A BETTER, MORE BEAUTIFUL TOWER which serves more than one function?

Yes, we need clear communications. When responding to urgent & emergent situations.

But we live in New Hampshire to reduce those situations in our lives. To ease stress, to escape the rat race. Angels Landing is a Retreat & a Sanctuary from the buzz & the chaos of overstimulation & too many phone lines to answer. Our supreme DESIGN question this season is; how to marry form & function in beauty & peace?

These are the questions I am seeking answers to with this page. I am hoping there are other Ecodesigners who enjoy working on their laptops in the woods, or a mossy clearing. With nothing but birdsong in the background.

Below are 3 sets of Links for this project. I use the Basic Editor at Angelfire to post my webpages. If you would like to gather here first, in planning & developing the Angels Landing Retreat Center with associated Farm & Forest Camp, please WRITE to me.

Address your enclosures, sketches, ideas, models, blogs, & other resources online to

The best ideas, links, & resources will be rolled out in the Links sections below.

As always, you may donate ot INEDA on line through the top link below; INEDA Healing Places.

To a Greener, more friendly abundant life for ALL, I AM blessing you today in PEACE. Monica

National & International links

INEDA Healing Places on the Web
TOWER Designers page

Healing through Service, Farming...& Natural dwellings

Farm Aid
Farm Foundation
Natural Building Resources
Cheapest Solar Panels!
Amazing Water: Masaru Emoto's Website
Cosmic Connections: the Bigger Picture
Green Cross
New Moorings Organic Farm, Maine
Living Your Dreams with the Hero Technique
The Full Matrix: a Neo-Tech Primer

Angels Landing TOWER links

A beginning backyard model...
Spring starts...
A side view for inner details...
Echos of the E Tower in Paris...
I am pointing TRUE NORTH
Angels Landing TOWER Design Project
INEDA Affiliates
Ask the Nurse