Angels Landing Tower Design Project:

The International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency or INEDA is an interactive source for healing & healers online.

Here we are evolving & designing a new way to live in HARMONY with Nature & all elemental forces in the Universe.

This Spring, of 2008 we are partnering with a wireless service provider to improve communications for the Town of Milton & surrounding areas.

Angels Landing, as by now my readers may be aware, is a higher elevated area of the Town of Milton. It is remote, & on the top of a hill which was, a hundred years or so back, a farm. The Piggott Farm.

I have been playing with technology I just barely understand to make my friends & allies more able to SEE the place as a bird or engineer with maps does. I am learning to speak engineering. We have a site: both a web site & a physical place on Earth site. We are tossing ideas about in this phase; "blue skying it"...


These links are for you to navigate with us; explore, contemplate, & consider: HOW TO BUILD A BETTER, MORE BEAUTIFUL TOWER which serves more than one function?

Yes, we need clear communications. When responding to urgent & emergent situations.

But we live in New Hampshire to reduce those situations in our lives. To ease stress, to escape the rat race. Angels Landing is a Retreat & a Sanctuary from the buzz & the chaos of overstimulation & too many phone lines to answer. Our supreme DESIGN question this season is; how to marry form & function in beauty & peace?

These are the questions I am seeking answers to with this page. I am hoping there are other Ecodesigners who enjoy working on their laptops in the woods, or a mossy clearing. With nothing but birdsong in the background.

Below are 3 sets of Links for this project. I use the Basic Editor at Angelfire to post my webpages. If you would like to gather here first, in planning & developing the Angels Landing Retreat Center with associated Farm & Forest Camp, please WRITE to me.

Address your enclosures, sketches, ideas, models, blogs, & other resources online to

The best ideas, links, & resources will be rolled out in the Links sections below.

As always, you may donate to INEDA on line through the top link below; INEDA Healing Places.

To a Greener, more friendly abundant life for ALL, I AM blessing you today in PEACE. Monica

National & International links

INEDA Healing Places on the Web
Milton, New Hampshire, home of Angels Landing
INEDA links to ebay
Lunar Phases
United for Peace
Looks Too Good to be True? Find Out!
The Institute for Religious Research
Yahoo Health News
New Hampshire Fish & Game
Town Of Milton, NH website
New Hampshire Granit Data Mapper

The Tower...

The Project Beginnings

Angels Landing TOWER links

photos to begin the brainstorming with...
Angels TOWER