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Irish Shop Hub Online

Featured Shops

RSM Shop

James Connolly and 1916

1981 Hungerstrike

Patsy O'Hara

Kevin Lynch

Michael Devine

The Starry Plough

Ancient Ireland

Political Status

Colm McNutt

Neil McMonagle

Frank Ryan

Peadar O'Donnell

Teach na Failte

Bloody Sunday



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The Best Place on the net to find real Irish political gifts!

 Welcome, Failte

Welcome to the all new place on the web where some of the best designed Irish political themed t-shirts, greetings cards, posters, housewares and other items can be purchased. Remember that the money raised through these online shops goes to support the cause of Republicanism and Socialism in Ireland.

Most of the items for sale in this site are sold through cafepress and their experience will help the ordering run smoothly every time.

We also plan to sell items directly in the near future. These will include books, badges, pins and flags and other items.

Items are added regularly so keep coming back. And if you don't see in any of our shops what you would like then please get in touch and if it is appropriate to our ethos then we will endeavour to fulfill your request. Ideas for new shops are always welcome.

Support the continuing political struggle in Ireland and at the same time get yourself some authentic items representing different aspects of the struggle ranging from general struggle to items featuring specific events and moments in history.

Irish Political Calendars for 2004

Thirteen Page Full Colour:

Teach na Failte Memorial Committee Calan

Full colour glossy calendar featuring the work of the Teach na Failte memorial committees

Single Page 2004 Calendars
Calendar Print Calendar Print Calendar Print
Our high quality one page wall calendars are printed on glossy, 10 point paper and measure 11" x 17". This calander features Jim Larkin. Our high quality one page wall calendars are printed on glossy, 10 point paper and measure 11" x 17". This one features James Connolly and the Irish Proclamation. Our high quality one page wall calendars are printed on glossy, 10 point paper and measure 11" x 17". This calander features the emblem of the Irish Republican Socialist Movement
Calendar Print Calendar Print Calendar Print
Our high quality one page wall calendars are printed on glossy, 10 point paper and measure 11" x 17". Featuring the call for Political Status to be restored for Political Prisoners in Ireland Our high quality one page wall calendars are printed on glossy, 10 point paper and measure 11" x 17". Featuring original image of the 1981 Hunger Strikers Our high quality one page wall calendars are printed on glossy, 10 point paper and measure 11" x 17". Featuring the Starry Plough Newspaper


Featured Items from each Shop

Each link below takes you to a different shop that is part of the RSM ONLINE Merchandise

Vol Patsy O'Hara Vol Michael Devine Vol Kevin Lynch
Patsy O'Hara T-Shirt  Michael Devine T-Shirt   Kevin Lynch T-Shirt
RSM Shop Starry Plough Vol Colm McNutt
Saoirse go deo Mousepad Stein
James Connolly Irish T-Shirts Vol Neil McMonagle
Calendar Print Jr. Spaghetti Tank Large Mug
1981 Hungerstrike Peadar O'Donnell Frank Ryan
White T-Shirt   Ash Grey T-Shirt White T-Shirt
Bloody Sunday Celtic Designs Teach na Failte
Quality IRSP Bloody Sunday Poster White T-Shirt   White Teach na Failte T-Shirt
Political Status Wolfe Tone1798 Lock Out 1913
Postcards (Package of 8) Wolfe Tone T-Shirt   Jim Larkin T-Shirt

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