My Old Pics
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Senior Year

This is my Senior Year Picture. I didn't like my school picture, so my mom had me take some Professional pictures.

This is a picture of my parents and myself at my highschool graduation. As you can tell, I was a little thinner back in the day, but soon filled out during my freshman year in College.

Wack Goatee!

Here I am sporting my wack goatee a couple of years ago. I learned never to grow hair on just my chin anymore, cuz with all likelihood, it would look strange on me.

Long Side Burns

One of my friends had dared me to grow long side burns, kinda like his. My side burns never got as long as his, but they were pretty long. I had to cut them, because it would cause my skin to itch too much when i ran or played sports

Sportin' my Style

This is Julia and myself leaving for Prom. I was really sportin' my good looking tuxedo. Hah!

Spring Break with Julia

Here I am at my grandparent's house during my senior year chillin' with Julia and my folks. At that time, we were seeing each other.