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"all the news that's fit to print"
the first quarter

? october 16

it's hard to believe that one month has passed feels like i just got here and at the same time, like i've been here forever. the weather was beautiful today so i spent a lazy saturday wandering around campus taking pictures for all my friends in california...seasons!(you can see the results in the image gallery) now i'm doing some laundry and getting ready to go to a party with a bunch of PWILD of the frats is hosting a "dress like you want to get laid" party so we might check that out. but really - when do you go to a party NOT dressed like you want to get laid? isn't that a bit redundant? oh, fraternities. oh, college. i have a crew practice tomorrow at noon so things can't get too wild....rowing + hangover = bad times...but hey! it's saturday night!