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Fish Tales of the Bering Sea

Halibut Fishing-- Man Overboard
And then there was the one who didn't get away, barely.

How Turtle Got His Name
We almost called him, "Dances with Hari Krishnas."

The Peanut Butter Hostage Situation
He was bigger than me, uglier than me, but I had his peanut butter!

The Redemption of Robert Luna
Can you really go to hell for ringing a bell too many times?

The Color Purple
Was I a vision of loveliness or a really bad hallucination?

Follies With Stellar Sealions
What can a 600 lb. sea mammal do? Anything it wants to.

The Dead Fisherman
Now this was an unexpected "catch of the day!"

Flash Dancing on the High Seas
She was a wild and crazy gal who nearly danced her last dance.

The Very Big Wave
It wasn't the perfect storm, but it was good enough for me.

The Day of the Cow
Always look up when you ask, "Where's the beef?"

The Day the Sun Crashed Into the Galaxy
Ever have one of those days?

Comstate Kodiak, Mayday! Mayday!
In memory of lost ships and souls on the Bering Sea.

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