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Bootscootin' Woman

Choreographed by: Martin Ritchie (UK) 27/9/2000 i~ L e k, L:e Tel: +44 (0)7774773539 email: linedancer@)blylhe.globalnetcouk ~ l ~ ~ Dedicated to: Jenny Sinclair of Glasgow, who the song was written about! Description: 64 count, 2-wall, easy/intemtediate line dance.

Music: "Boot Scootin' Woman" by The Borderers. 158 bpm. CD: The Gathering. CD: Available in the UK from Martin Ritchie 07774773539 or Maggie Gallagher 02476333176.

Alternative: "Breaking Hearts and Taking Names" by David Kersch 156 bpm CD: Line dance Fever 2. Practice track: "In A Heartbeat" by Rodney Atkins 114 bpm CD: Linedance Fever 5.


1,2 Step back on right toe, Drop right heel down to take weight t 3,4 Step back on left toe, Drop down heel to take weight

5,6 Step back on right toe, Drop right heel down to take weight 7,8 Step back on left toe, Drop down heel to take weight

RIGHT GRAPEVINE, CLAP, LEFT GRAPEVINE, CLAP (Option: Rolling Grapevines) 9-12 Step right to side, Step left behind, Step Right to side, Touch left together and clap 13-16 Step left to side, Step right behind, Step left to side, Touch right together and clap


17, 18 Step diagonally forward on right, Slide left up to right

19,20 Step diagonally forward on right, Hitch left (raise knee) 21,22 Step diagonally forward on left, Slide right up to left

23,24 Step diagonally forward on left, Hitch right (raise knee)

SIDE TOUCH, SIDE TOUCH, STEP 1/4 PIVOT, STEP 1/4 PIVOT 25,26 Step right to side, Touch left next to right 27,28 Step left to side, Touch right next to left 29,30 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 turn left 31,32 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 turn left

WALK RIGHT, LEFf, RIGHT SHUFFLE, STEP 1/2 PIVOT, LEFT SHUFFLE 33,34 Step forward on right, Step forward on left

35&36 Step forward on right, Step left next to right, Step forward on right 37,38 Step forward on left, Pivot V2turn right

39&40 Step forward on left, Step right next to left, Step forward on left

SIDE-ROCK, KICK, CROSS, SIDE-ROCK, KICK, CROSS 41,42 Rock right to side, Recover weight onto left

43,44 Kick right forward, Step right across in front of left 45,46 Rock left to side, Recover weight onto right

47,48 Kick left forward, Step left across in front ofright


49,50 Point right to side, Turn 1/4 right on ball of left stepping right together to take weight 51,52 Point left to side, Step left together

53,54 Point right to side, Turn 1/4 right on ball of left stepping right together to take weight 55,56 Point left to side, Step left together

STEP, HOLD, & STEP, HOLD, & HEEL & HEEL & FORW ARD-ROCK 57,58 Step forward on right, Hold

&59,60 Step left next to right (&), Step forward on right (59), Hold (60) &61 Step left next to right, Tap right heel forward &62 Step right next to left, Tap left heel forward

&63,64 Step left next to right (&), Rock forward on right, Recover weight back onto left

Begin again! ~

wnLm MAVWCES Step sheet by Martin Ritchie for The Midland Mavericks, Birmmgham, UK. www