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More Than Prophecy
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Amberquill Press

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"…A thrilling ride from the very first page right up to the surprising ending! Shannon Leigh has done a wonderful job of bringing her characters to life in this exciting story. This is a wonderful story I highly recommend reading!"
--Chere Gruver
Sensual Romance Reviews


According to ancient prophecy, a woman would come from Earth to bear a child who would end the warring between the Ramekah and Andreas clans that has plagued the hold folk of Zandar for hundreds of years. On the tail of a magical zephyr, Cheyenne, a young Native American woman, is swept through the doorway of an interplanetary portal and whisked away from Earth in a dazing blur of motion. She’s deposited, alone and half-naked, in a valley between the grassy knolls of the Rhian Mountains and the dreaded Goetic forest, just inside the boundaries of Andreas Territory.

It’s there Lord Darian Andreas, ruler of the mighty Andreas Clan and master of the powerful Andreas Territory, finds her. Although Darian is a just man who exercises kindness and incorporates mercy into his method of rule—which, in the barbaric world of Zandar, are rare qualities for a man—he’s also used to getting what he wants, one way or another. From the moment Darian lays eyes on the dark skinned beauty, he knows she’s meant to be his. And if the Gods are willing, he’ll make it so.

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