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The blog has split into two forms, in my Alabama cat who blogs at BloggingCat.com (using Blogger) and I do more of a photoblog now at BamaPhotos.com and its new mirror site at Flickr.
Yes! I am willing to sell the BamaBlog.com domain name if the price is right.
Keeping this blog has been a lot of fun. I have also kept two additional blogs, BamaPhotos.com and BloggingCat.com, so it has been a lot of work. I have other interests taking time now and knew I would not be keeping a blog forever. I would like to end this blog and encourage you to keep checking the other blogs for updates on my life -- BamaPhotos.com and BloggingCat.com.
Thank-you to everyone who dropped by here. I will not delete this one -- I use it for reference myself.
June 18, 2006 - Sunday
June 17, 2006 - Saturday
June 16, 2006 - Friday
June 15, 2006 - Thursday
While winter here is
heaven, the summers are hot. It was a little cooler
today and walking felt so good.
June 14, 2006 - Wednesday I never knew this - and I wonder if it is still true in all places - but its a handy little grocery shopping tip from Lil S. She says:
June 13, 2006 - Tuesday Jennifer C. sent this picture. Its an edible cake winning awards -- both of them. No, really. Here's more pictures of these amazing cakes.
June 12, 2006 - Monday Vacuuming Makes the Time Go By I spent the day doing the daily online work, weekly house work and laundry, computer work and snatches of SecondLife.com in between - plus talking to my sister on the phone, playing with the cats and watching a little TV. Whew! Why do days have to go by so quickly? Life is way too short.
June 11, 2006 - Sunday
We saw
Cars yesterday -- and it is one of the best
movies I have seen in a long time. The
animation is breathtakingly superb - above anything
anyone else does. The story had me crying and laughing
-- many jokes for adults and lots of subtle humor plus,
of course, humor for children. (Its one of those movies
I want to see twice because I know I must have missed
some of the more subtle humor.)
June 10, 2006 - Saturday I got this cute site from Jennifer C. Move your cursor over this screen and see how surprisingly easy it is to create a work of art. Click the mouse to change colors. Below is my own masterpiece. (P.S. I am going to see Cars, the new cute computer animated movie. I expect it will be very good.) (P.S.S. If you don't know who Jackson Pollock is, here's his Wikipedia info and picture samples.)
June 9, 2006 - Friday
I am in trouble now -- I
subscribe to more podcasts than I have time to listen
to. There's much good information in the world.
June 8, 2006 - Thursday We are subscribing to Discover Magazine thanks to a school fund drive by a niece or nephew -- and I found this article with facts about sleep. Here's just an excerpt of some of the more interesting facts.
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Maybe we are related - click any letter to check my family tree: |
Matson.info - "Fast-Loading-No-Nonsense" main site for all of my webs. MyPlace.info - Same as above only souped-up with gimmicks and colors. BloggingMom.com - Same as above, but a new look with additional links. BloggingCat.com - My cat blogs, too. Sneaky little thing. BamaBlog.com - here. BamaPhotos.com - my daily photo blog. BamaTree.com - A professional-looking genealogy page. TinyMovies.net - My Mini Movie Creations PumpkinBreadMovies.com - My 2-Minute Movies (same as above) BamaCats.com - Index to my many cat sites. MuddyPaws.info - all about Muddy, our Himalayan cat (my mid-life crisis cure). LightChatter.com - Keeping things light with only occasional rants (here). MeAndMyBlog.com - Unusual front end - a little strange, I know. LookAtAllThis.com - Same as the links page for now - a site index. OneMoreBlog.com - (A name that seemed funny at the time. I couldn't believe it wasn't taken already.) RelatedTo.Us - Complex, but pretty front end to the genealogy site. RelatedToUs.com - a different entrance to the genealogy site (I got this domain because I figured folks would forget the .us and do .com for everything.)
BamaLinks.com - A
list of ALL of my domains complete with excuses and explanations. I designed it
to match
BamaTree.com. |
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