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Monday, 27 November 2006
Better Than a Wrist Pad
Mood:  chillin'
Some people have a wrist pad to rest their wrists when they type. One of these is not needed around here. Just pet the cat between keystrokes and all is well (and be sure to type very carefully). You may even trigger a soft buzzing noise.
Sunday, 26 November 2006
We Know a Good Thing When We See It
Mood:  cool
Humans always act so surprised when they get up and one of us cats takes the chair.

I don't understand the surprise over this. I mean, who would not want to take advantage of a prewarmed chair?
Saturday, 25 November 2006
Muttering Me
Mood:  loud
Terry sometimes calls me a teddy bear because she says I am cuddly.

If so, then I am one who goes Meow! Meow! because I talk and mutter the entire time I am being held. Sometimes the family calls me "Muttering Muddy."
Thursday, 23 November 2006
Mood:  a-ok
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Myst and I can sense the excitement around the house and we are burning off energy chasing each other up and down the hall as we always did when he was a kitten too. Turkey smells so good.

Cats like us with good homes, have much to be thankful for. May all cats find a loving home.

Wednesday, 22 November 2006
Myst as a Kitten
Mood:  a-ok
I've been showing older pictures of Myst when he was a kitten. Today, he is still a small Persian, the smallest Persian I know, but he has lots of energy to run, pounce and play. Just yesterday, I was innocently walking down the hall when out of nowhere -- Myst pounced! The next thing I know, the fur flies as we run rapidly from room to room.
Tuesday, 21 November 2006
Oil for Myst
Mood:  sharp
Myst has been scratching himself too much in this dry weather, so the family is giving him a little bit of oil every day. He is picky and only likes liquid margarine, for some reason, so they put a dot on the table for him when they eat.

Bleh, I am not interested in human food at all, well except to paw it and see if it rolls well.
Monday, 20 November 2006
Things to Watch
Mood:  energetic
I don't know what Myst finds so fascinating about TV and monitors. He chases the cursor around, even.

I prefer mirrors. I see that beautiful handsome cat on the other side and he sees me, too. We both have been trying to figure out ways to get to each other. We've had no luck so far, but it doesn't stop us from trying --- and this is all MUCH more interesting than TV!
Sunday, 19 November 2006
Being Up High
Mood:  a-ok
I am not a big fan of being held and I moan and complain when someone has me in their arms. Myst and Dandelion like it just fine though. Myst can not jump and he is thrilled when anyone puts him in high places so he can look around and feel important.
Saturday, 18 November 2006
Humans Live Longer Thanks to Us
Mood:  cool
It has been scientifically proven that, when humans are owned by cats, they live longer. Petting us reduces high blood pressure, but often we will hang out with them when they work on computers and stuff, so they do not get carpal tunnel so easily.

Terry says she does not get as much work done, either, but at least she says she may never get carpal tunnel thanks to frequent stops to pet us.
Thursday, 16 November 2006
Adorable Pair
Mood:  silly
What is it like to just sit there and be cute and tiny? Even though Terry says I am the most handsomest cat in the world, all Myst and Jenny have to do is just stand there and they look adorable.

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