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Balance your Body's pH to Improve Health

The Alkali and Acid Diet



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Too high of an acidic pH can cause serious health concerns, and the majority of foods found in the typical American diet can leave a highly acidic ash in the body that can accelerate aging and disease.  It is possible to be too alkali also, but not as common.  Ironically, eating foods that seem acidic, actually create alkali ash in the body, and eating alkali foods create an acid ash in the body.  Your dietary intake ideally should consist of about 75% alkalizing foods and 25% acidifying foods to keep your body in balance.  Chewing well also helps your body absorb the most nutrients directly into the blood stream before the food reaches the gut and helps maintain a pH balance.

pH is very important.  The pH of your body can even help determine the sex of the child you have.  Highly acidic women tend to bear girls and highly alkali women tend to have boys, simply because each of these conditions is conducive to what environments sex cells flourish in.  For years many women in foreign countries have regularly use natural alkaline douches to raise the chances of their having a boy.

If you're not sure if your body is acidic or alkali, test your urine and saliva using pH Test Strips that will indicate if you are pH balanced or not.

Then use the list below and links at the upper left as your guide to select the right alkalizing foods or acidifying foods to help combat aging and disease and improve your overall health and well-being.  Don't forget to try to select organic or natural chemical-free foods to ensure optimal health.

Alkalizing Foods (75% of Diet):

Vegetables Garlic, asparagus, fermented vegetables, watercress, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chard, chlorella, collard greens, cucumber, eggplant, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, dandelions, edible flowers, onions, parsnips (high glycemic), peas, peppers, pumpkin, rutabaga, sea veggies, spirulina, sprouts, alfalfa, barley grass, wheat grass, wild greens, nightshade, and other veggies (except potatoes and squashes).  Try to buy fresh organic or frozen with no additives.  Eat raw or cook/steam vegetables in a small amount of water at low temperatures so as not to destroy enzymes necessary to your health.

Fruits Apples, apricots, avocados, bananas (high glycemic), cantaloupe, cherries, currants, dates, figs, grapes, grapefruit, lime, honeydew, melon, nectarines, oranges, lemons, peaches, pears, pineapple, berries (except cranberries and blueberries), tangerines, tomatoes, tropical fruits, watermelon, and other fruits (except plums and prunes).  Try to buy fresh raw organic, organic dried fruits, or frozen with no additives.

Protein:  Eggs, whey protein, cottage cheese, chicken breast, yogurt, almonds, chestnuts, tofu (fermented), flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, tempeh (fermented), squash seeds, millet, sprouted seeds, and other nuts (except cashews, brazil nuts, peanuts/peanut butter, pecans, tahini, and walnuts).  Try to buy chemical-free natural or organic products.

Grains:  Sprouted grains.

Spices/Seasonings:  Cinnamon, curry, ginger, mustard seed, chili pepper, sea salt, miso, tamari, and all herbs.  Try to buy fresh or natural non-irradiated organic herbs and spices.

Sweeteners Stevia (natural leaf sweetener also good for diabetes, obesity, and food and tobacco cravings).

Oriental VegetablesMaitake, daikon, dandelion root, shitake, kombu, reishi, nori, umeboshi, wakame, sea veggies.

Beverages Probiotics / probiotic beverages, veggie juices, green juices, fresh fruit juice, organic milk (unpasteurized and preferably unhomogenized), mineral water, distilled water, green tea, herbal teas, dandelion tea, ginseng tea, banchi tea, red tea, and Kombucha.

Other:  Apple cider vinegar, bee pollen, lecithin granules, and body alkalizing supplements.

Acidifying Foods (Limit to 25% of Diet):

Drugs and ChemicalsChemicals, drugs, tobacco, processed sugar made with chemicals, medicinals, caffeine, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, and chemical preservatives and additives in foods.  Read more on the Dangers of Medicinal Drugs.

Fats and OilsAvocado oil, canola oil, corn oil, hemp seed oil, flax seed oil, olive oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil.  Only use oils sparingly, and don't heat to high temperatures or fry as changes occur chemically at high temperatures and may become carcinogenic.  Always heat oils at low temperature -- this makes food taste better too!

Nuts & Butters:  Cashews, brazil nuts, peanuts, peanut butter, pecans, tahini, and walnuts.

Fruits Cranberries, blueberries, plums, prunes, and squash.

Dairy Cheeses (except cottage cheese) including cow cheese, goat cheese, processed cheese, milk, butter.  When you do eat dairy products, try to buy chemical-free organic.

Animal Protein Beef, carp, clams, fish, lamb, lobster, mussels, oyster, pork, rabbit, salmon, shrimp, scallops, tuna, turkey, and venison.  When you do eat meats, try to get naturally raised, hormone- and chemical-free organic, and with the least fat since this is where toxins store.

GrainsRice cakes, wheat cakes, amaranth, unpearled barley, buckwheat, corn, oats, quinoa, brown rice, rye, spelt, kamut, wheat, hemp seed, and flours.  When you do eat grains, make sure they are whole-grain and natural.

Pasta Only eat whole grain noodles, macaroni, spaghetti, and other whole-grain pastas.  Never eat chemical-tainted and bleached white bread, "enriched" bread or products which are not whole-grain, white rice, semolina, or other white pastas.

Beverages Coffee, caffeinated black tea, and alcohol, including beer, spirits, hard liquor, and wine.  If you occasionally choose to drink alcohol or use it in cooking, as wine in particular in moderation can be good for your health (red wine for the heart, white wine for the lungs), try to buy organic products free from sulfates.  If you have a drinking problem, visit both our treatment page and click here to learn more about how alcohol, processed sugars, and chemicals affect your brain, mood, and health, and find out what you can do to successfully combat alcoholism, hypoglycemia, chemical dependencies, and other related brain-chemical and chemical imbalance problems so your body can heal.

Beans & Legumes Black beans, chick peas, green peas, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, pinto beans, red beans, soy beans, navy beans, soy milk, white beans, rice milk, almond milk, and other dry beans.

Other:  Distilled vinegar, wheat germ, iodized salt, and potatoes.  


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Required Disclaimer: The information provided within these pages is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice or treatment of your healthcare practitioner. Please remember that true health involves addressing all the systems of the body, and not just using one particular product as a "quick fix" -- there is no such thing. Much of the information presented on the NatureGem web site is based on personal research, experience, and resulting opinion.  Products recommended by, or contained in, this web site have not been evaluated by the FDA, and therefore are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Before adhering to any recommendations, especially where you may be combining natural treatments with prescribed synthetic drugs, you may want to consult with your personal health care professional. Understand that you are solely responsible for the way that this information is perceived and utilized, and do so at your own risk. In no way will NatureGem, its officers, or affiliates be responsible for any actions taken, injuries, adverse reactions, or other difficulties that might arise due to the use or misuse of this web site or the advice contained within.  IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK YOUR HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER

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