The Old Ways









The Torque, (Torg or Aerwy) is an ancient piece that has been rediscovered by jewelry makers though many do not display the meaning behind it. The torque is a warriors necklace as well as a mark of marriage. For those of you have heard the phrase "She has the collar around him." It actually comes from the torque. The most common design has the head of an animal (often a totem of the family) at each end, though sometimes a small ball is used. The necklace it self is braided metal and each braid or twist is a vow or oath that the warrior took. Several torques have been excavated that were made with precious metals and embellished with precious jewels as well as Celtic designs.

The torque was granted to him by his clan when he became a warrior and placed around his neck by someone special to him, at times his wife or mentor. A warrior would wear the torque at all times, sometimes it would be the only thing worn when going into battle. It is often made out of brass or copper which is a very strong material, which is necessary considering that there is no hinge or clasp. To wear the torque the opening is place at the back of the neck and you lightly pull out until it slips around the neck and closes leaving a few inches between the ends. Because of the stiff material there is no chance of it falling off, the torque rings around the neck a little like a chain necklace but never falls off.

Now a female would wear a Torque for two separate reasons, one being that she is a warrior in her own right and/or that she is a married woman. A woman's torque is much lighter material and quite often has a jewel at the end of it. A married woman is presented her torque only if she is the wife of a warrior.

Because of the difficulty of picturing the torque we plan to have pictures here soon.

The Vow For a Marriage

Bone of my Bone
Blood of my Blood
Flesh of my Flesh
Breath of my Breath
In life and in death we are one, never to be separated
Heart of my Heart

Woman was created from the rib of man
Not from his head to be above
Nor from his feet to walked upon,
But from his side to be equal,
From near his heart to be loved by him
And from beneath his arm to be held by him.
From his side to be equal.

The Vow For a Warrior

The Torque serves as a reminder of the Code of Chilvary Live to serve Crown and Country.
Live to defend Crown and Country and all it holds dear.
Live one's life so that it is worthy of respect and honor.
Live for freedom, justice and all that you deem to be of merit.
Never attack an unarmed foe.
Never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack.
Never attack from behind.
Avoid lying to your fellow man.
Avoid cheating.
Avoid torture.
Obey the law of Crown, country, and chivalry.
Administer justice.
Protect the innocent.
Exhibit self control.
Show respect to authority.
Respect women.
Exhibit Courage in word and deed.
Defend the weak and innocent.
Crush the monsters that steal our land and rob our people.
Fight with honor.
Avenge the wronged.
Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.
Fight for the ideals of Crown, country, and chivalry.
Die with valor.
Always keep one's word of honor.
Always maintain one's principles.
Never betray a confidence or comrade.
Avoid deception.
Respect life and freedom.
Die with honor.
Exhibit manners.
Be polite and attentive.
Be respectful of host, women, and honor.
Loyalty to country, Crown, honor, freedom, and the code of chivalry.
Loyalty to one's friends and those who lay their trust in thee.

Last Updated: May 26, 2004
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