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life quiz

By: Nicholette Cecil

Number 1

The order in which you placed each animal, describes how you value each of the following. Placing an animal in the front, (1,2) shows that what you value the most. Placing an animal in the middle (3), shows what you are content with. Placeing an animal at the end (4,5), shows what you value least in life.

Tiger: The Tiger is a symbol of pride. Depending on where you placed this animal determines how prideful you are. Remember, too much pride is not always a good thing.
Pig: This Pig is the signifies greed, and your lust for money. Be careful! If your pig is close to the front, you could be headed for a downfall in the future.
Horse: The Horse is a symbol of family and caring. If the horse is placed towards the end, this means you value your privacy. Placing the horse last, means you're a regular Scrooge... or you just don't like horses.
Cow: The Cow signifies your present or future career. Extremely busy people would place the cow before the horse. This means you spend too much time at work, or your very concerned about a job you wish to have some day.
Sheep: The Sheep is the symbol of love. If the sheep is number 3 on your list, then you are in a good spot. You're most likely not looking for love, but wouldn't mind a relationship. Placing the sheep in the front symbolizes your passion for the opposite sex, and vice versa if the sheep is placed at the end.

Number 2

The word that you wrote down to describe each object, symbolizes the different personalities and aspects of the closer things in your life.

Dog: The Dog, is a symbol of you. What you wrote to describe the dog, shows how you view your own personality.
Cat: The Cat, is a symbol of your partners personality, or what you do/don't want in a partner. A negative response could be how your partner tends to act, or a past experience.
Rat: The Rat symbolizes your enemy's personality. Most people tend to have fun with this one, as they constantly describe the rat as smelly, or ugly, ect. This shows how much you truly hate, or do not hate, your enemies. If your response isn't as harsh as you might have thought it would be, then maybe you should try making friends of your enemies.
Coffee: The Coffee represents how you feel about sex. This response is about 80% accurate. There are people who hate coffee and would write a response such as "gross," but they actually enjoy sex. This is why I instructed not to base answers solely on appearance.
Sea: The Sea represents your life at the present moment. Writing serene responses indicates a happy life. Writing responses such as "loud" or "clutter," indicates a stressful life.

Number 3

I asked you to think of people close to you for a reason. If you hadn't, it would defeat the whole purpose of the quiz, as noted before. Writing the guy/girl that you like five times would only give you false hopes, as well as would some famous movie star. The people that you wrote here obviously mean something to you, and you should keep in close contact with them as you age in life.

Yellow: The person you wrote for yellow is someone you will never forget.
Orange: The person you wrote for orange, is a very close friend of yours.
Red: The person you wrote for red, is more than just a friend.
White: The person you wrote for white is your twin soul. For example: soul mate, best friend...
Green: The person you wrote for green, is someone you will remember for the rest of your life. Very similar to yellow with a slight difference. You will see in the future ;)