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Lee's Story Time 2
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A Farmer laid a Duck Egg, upon a chicken nest,
Hoping she would care, & do her very best.
She looked so very strangely, one extra she forgot?
But after lengthly deliberation, maybe it was not.
Twenty eight days a waiting, & the little chicks come out,
But what happened to the last one? It caused some awful doubt.
Two days later, Ducky came & chirped a funny sound,
And when they went a walking, a puddle, little Ducky found.
The mother chicken screamed so loud, Danger to her son,
But he calmly played in puddle, And had a lot of fun.
The chicken did not know, why Ducky wasnt scared,
And little Ducky wondered, What made his mom go weird.
So if your parents Understand you not, Don't let it drive you nuts,
They raised you as a chicken, When your Heart Says you're a Duck.
Daddy, they called me Ugly, As Rodney, cried them soggy tears,
The Revenge of little children, At the age of just ten years,
I stood there, to hear his story, Not knowing what to do,
Why do little children, Just have to be so Cruel ?
It could be something, that he said, I really do not know.
But all that pain inside of me, I must not let it show,
I had a plan, to make it right, To stop his tears from drewling,
I'm Sorry Son, It was dark that night, I could'nt see what I was doing.
As I awoke, this Early Morning, And took a look upon my Past,
As a kid, I stood so Strong & Tall, So proud of the Shadow, that I cast.
The Wheels of life, Were run so hard, Like a Mouse, inside his cage,
No matter how hard, he tried to run, He never gained, to Win the Race.
Our life must show some meaning, For God set us, upon this Earth.
The Love we give, & the Friends we meet, will be a token, of all our worth.
The treasures we are looking for, Will not come as Gifts of Gold,
But the Love of God, & of His Angels, May be the Greatest Gifts we hold.
So look upon the Stars of Heaven, And Notice, His Skies of tremendous Beauty,
For when we leave this Earth behind, We will Cherish His Love, so Truly.
If Evolution, were True, What a World, this would Be,
My Eye, on my Elbow, My Foot, upon my Knee,
If there were no God, Where Then, Could I Pray ?
No Where, would I have to call, In the night, or in the Day ?
How Cruel Could Man be, to Accept such a theory,
A Lost & Hopeless World, And a life, Oh, So Dreary.
I'm So Happily pleased, For the Story of Creation,
Where God is Our Creator, And Maker, of Our Nation,
Where Heaven's Our Destiny, And Jesus, Our Guide,
As we leave Earth behind us, We can carry, Our Pride,
Where the Angels are awaiting, their New Friends, to come,
When We Finished, on Earth, And our Job, Is Well Done.
This is My World, I am planning, to see,
Where God, Is, my Co-pilot, And He Is Waiting for me.
I Have found my Lord in Heaven,
Each day He comes to me.
He blessed me with the sunshine, And the Fishes of the Sea.
The Earth is filled with Beauty, And Rainbows in the Sky.
In My Dreams He lets me soar, As the Eagle flys so high.
I Really don't know why these gifts, And the blessings of each Day.
But I talk to Him, every night, And I thank Him, as I Pray.
So if our Heart is filled with anger, With Raindrops, falling on our Head,
I Feel His pain of soggy tears, As we hear not the Words, that Jesus said.
So Love your neighbor as your self, And thank Him, in your prayers,
The greatest gift, you have to give, Is the Love & kindness, that you share.
There is nothing like the heavens, From Where the Angels live,
There's nothing like the blessings, From the love, the Angels give,
The sky is full of Little Stars, of each Angel that won their goal,
And the love, they had for everyone, the Pleasures of God, they know
I just hope to be an Angel, when this earthly world is gone,
And sing the words of Jesus, Eternally joyful of his songs.
Love was made of giving, And all the happiness it brings,
I just hope that I was good enough, to earn my Angel wings.
Many years ago, we bought your first stuffed critter,
Then we called you Bug.
I remember your first days of travel,
We watched you crawl across the Rug.
And when we went for groceries,
You Ran up & down the shopping Mall.
Across the yard, you nearly won the Race,
Was the last day, I Run at All.
And when times became so troublesome,
My worries, nearly done you In.
And when I could barely walk,
And I felt that I could not Win,
You were there beside me,
Ever since the beginning mark,
And If God would grant me one last Wish,
May he bless your Pea-pikin Little Heart.
You Have the Story of Creation, to Know where you began.
Noah's Ark, has been Given You, to Rid the Evil from this Land.
He sent you Jesus, His only son, So you would Know, Just how to Live.
His Bible, is the Record Past, In Matthew, Jesus Will Let you walk with Him.
So Please Keep the Ten Commandments, And Love your Neighbor as yourself.
And Remember Him,in your Prayers, For He Loves You, And is Always there to help
Ask him to Bless your Mom & Dad, to Keep them just like New.
And Even though, I'm Not Little, Did I Tell you,
That I Love God Too?
The Angels came to get me Mom, But I did'nt Want to Go.
The Doggie gave me so many bites, More Than I'll ever Know.
There is Nice Doggies in Heaven, And the Angels, take me out to Play.
And Just so I don't Cry again, They hold me every Day.
Tell My Brothers & Sisters, I Love them, & Hug My Puppy too,
And Now that I have my Angel Wings, I do what the Angels do.
If you see a little Flicker, in the Sky, It May not be so bright.
They Gave me a little Candle, Just my size, To watch over You & Daddy at Night.
I am a biker so wild & so free,
crusing down the highway, enjoying the breeze.
My Home is the Earth, under God's spacious skies,
Tis my heaven on earth, That Even money can't buy.
Just glaze upon the Flowery Meadows, a Treasure to behold,
A gift from our maker, more valuable than Gold.
And don't miss the Sunset, of Red Orange & bright Yellow,
A breath taking view, that makes your heart Mellow.
So when you lay down, & Notice the Stars of the Heavens,
Feel free to Thank God, for all of these Blessings.
And if you notice, the Flicker, from the Stars up above,
The Angels keep watch, with Candlelight, over Each one of us.
Husbands & Wives, Why don't you trust?
For Love to survive, it's a very Great Must.
I see all the days, Where two seem to love.
Then Jelousy in Marriage, causes the shove.
Love has to be built, where both love each other,
So many think, that one is cheating another.
And yet they seem to be, so Loyal & True,
And then comes Distrust & causes the Blues.
I can't put a patch, upon their Relation,
But I hope, that one day, comes revelation.
Love is a treasure, built on their Trust,
And the Lack, will cause, the Marriage to Rust.
Will you say pretty things, & be kind to your wife?
Say soft spoken words, for the rest of you life?
And what was so bad, When I said she was Wrong?
For now I'm in trouble, & Then, what a sad song?
Her face turned so Red, With a Stare that would Freeze,
She bowed Down Before Me, And Fell to her Knees
Was it Something I said, For sure it was Fear.
When come from her Eyes, a Great Soggy Tear.
The words, that she Said, I just Don't understand?
"Get Out" From Under the Bed, and Fight Like a Man.
There was a little Foster Child, That Came into Our Home.
We Raised Him & Loved Him, as if, he were our very own.
A Cheerful Little Baby, So perfect in every way,
God's Most Precious Gift, This Little Angel, came to stay.
We Tended Needs, Played in Leaves, & took Walks around the Block,
Rode Motorcycles, Played with Dogs, & Even learned to talk.
And then one day, HRS came, & took our Baby Away,
They said, He has to go, There is another place to stay.
Two Months Later, to Our Dismay, God took his Angel Home,
Abuse, Neglect, From an Incompetent, And now Our Baby is Gone.
He Rests upon a Mountain Ledge, In the Hills of Tennessee.
So Worry not of the Thunder & The Lightning, May there be,
Tis Jessie, Flickering Lights, And with the Angels, He's out to Bowl.
And Jesus is telling him Stories, That's what I've been told.
I've been thinking of my Lord, And his Flowers in the Spring,
Those Shady trees, that protect, The Morning Birds, that sing
The Rays of Warming Sunshine, The feelings that come to me.
He Made the Meadows pretty, And the Deer runs Gracefully
The World was made with Beauty, with so gentle of a hand,
He Made me in his immage, And He blessed us, with this Land.
Who ever, would have thought, We come from Evolution,
Whatever was in his cup, Must have been the wrong solution.
I Have no Words of Comfort, No Key to change the Past
And now, Little Dylan, is an Angel, watching over Mom & Dad.
Who can predict the Future, Or Choose the Perfect Friend.
But Now that it has happened, The saddness will never End.
Life is not, yet over, For there are many Dreams to come.
Focus on the Future, And Keep the Memories of Your Son.
He is bouncing on the Knee of Jesus, In the Mansion in the Sky.
He looks upon his Mom & Dad, In Hopes that they don't Cry.
For Life on Earth is Hard Enough, And I'm sure he worries too,
Playing with the Angels, In the Clouds, Above the Sky of Blue.
Hello Sweet Mothers, Fret Not, that you have no life to live.
You are Raising Our Country's Future, In the Parenting of your Kids.
Teach them to love Like Jesus, And if that is not Enough,
You can tell us all your Stories, Of Nature, & of Love,
When the Children are Grown & tall, & you're so very much alone,
Its time to do the Tasks, the World has never known.
So When your life is over, & it's time to take the Test,
Smile, to Our Lord, that you've done your very Best
Hello My Sweet, My Darling Dear,
My Heart is Gleaming, For you will soon be here.
The Sun will be shining, with a fine brilliance of light,
And Knowing, that no More, Will there be lonileness at night.
I've waited so long, to Hug & Kiss you my Dear,
I will treasure your loving touch, When you are close, & come Near.
Our Days have been numbered, with nights all alone,
While we talk on the Puter, Instead of the phone.
You are my sweet Angel, that has been chosen for me,
For our love will be Forever, & togather we will always be.
So this is the story of Lee & Nan,
She is my Woman, And I am her Man
To the Doctor I went, for a Cure for to my Gout,
There seemed no solution, & I wanted to shout.
Fruit & Vegetables, I found are just great,
I Searched many hours, to fix this bad fate.
Tumeric, & Cherry Juice, are so very nice,
You Can Click on Web Search, for even more good advise.
50 Million Years ago, my friend, Rex had it then,
His Ankles Hurt, & he could'nt find a friend.
He was Trynosarus Rex & Wouldn't Eat Artichoke,
And to Have some Cherries, I'm sure he would croak.
He Had Trouble. Friends would'nt talk to him Much.
Instead of advise, He saw them as Lunch.
You can limit the salt, if swelling persists,
But some you will need, if you plan to exist.
For inflmation, Iburprofen will help,
I sure hope that soon, you'll be well.
Note: Gout is an inherited, Meat Eater's Disease
Its Good to see a Friendly Face,
Ya'll Come Back Now
And Bring a Friend, if you Like.
Lee's Story Time2
Story Time 3
Story Time 4