Authentic Pontic dance is characterized by small, quick, precise steps, arm swings, syncopated knee bends, and abrupt pauses. This styling is especially apparent in Serra, a mens' dance. The rhythm of these dances is very difficult and it is important that the dancers dance as a unit; kinetic distinction is not centered on the lead dancer. The leader calls out guttural sounds which are signals to the dancers. The music of Pontos is characterized by the sound of the Pontic lyra or lyre which is sometimes accompanied by the large drum or daouli.



Short Description

1 Aneforitsa From the "Galiena" region (near Trabzon) a variation of Serenitsa and Mono Tik. It means small up-hill.
or Kizel The name from the words of the song.
2 Apo pan ke ka From the "Southern Trabzon" region danced on the spot with small jumpy steps, hands hold onto others waists.
or Kapikeetkon Given this name in the region of "Livera".
or Agaliaston Meaning hugging, it was called this in the region "Galiana".
3 Apo pan ke ka Danced in the region "Ag-tag-Manten", a region close to Ankara.
or Tik Unlike the common dance with the same name, in this dance you hold the dancer next to you by the shoulders like the "Kotsari" dance.
4 Almatsouk From the Kars region (Russian, Georgia).
5. Atsiapat Danced from the "Platana" region near trabzon. It derives its name from the Turkish word "Atciapat". It has the same name in other regions were at times is danced by women.
6. Gemoura Named after the region "Gemoura", danced like the dance "Etere" it is different only in the area "Sevastia" were they dance it like Trigona.
7. Getiere A dance of the region "Argiroupouly" (now called "Gioumushana")
or Gentiarats The word means the dance of 7 competitors, Geni = Seven, Arats = Competitors.
or Gantiara The word means the dance of 7 small roads, Genti = Seven, Ara = small roads.
8. Giouverlantoum Means Tumbeling. Danced in the regions "Ag-tag-Manten" and "Samsounda". Its also denced in other regions of Pontos with variations of Music, like "Argiroupoly" and "Bafra". The leading dancer holds a hanky and creates a labyrinth or snake shape.
9. Dipat A dance of Trapezounda. Its name means double step. Di = Two, Pat = Steps.
or Giavaston Which simply means a slow dance.
or Koderpeviakon Also known as the "Housewives dance"
or Trabzon Omal A name given to the dance later on in Greece.
10 Double Kots A dance said to come from the Armenian dances.
or Titara  
or Tripat This derives its name from the Three heal taps made on the spot.
11 Double Omal A dance from the region "Kioumus Manten". Its a different version of Kotsixton Omal.
12 Etere Taken its name from the words of the song, danced in Trabezous.
13. Death Jump From the region of Bafra. It is the suicide dance of the women who were trapped for 48 days in the castle near the Ali river.
14. Incense The blessing dance at the wedding. Danced by seven couples (the first couple is the newly wedds), and a "Mono" or the single. The couples hold a candle between each other. It is normally the first dance of the wedding.
15. Kalon Korits Named after the song meaning "good Girl". It is danced in Southern trabzous it is like a variation of the dance "Serrenitsa".
or Papor Got its name from the song, meaning the "tough boat".
16. Kel Kits The name means " Come and Go". From the regions of Sevastia and Nikopoulis. It is danced towards the left.
17. Koritsi Dance Dance from the Bafra region, danced in 1680 at the castle of the river Ali (Kislar kale) and represents the choice of death rather then giving in to the Turks.
18. Kots Danced in most regions of Pontos, with the only difference being the way hands are held. In Eastern Pontos they hold hands but in western parts they hold onto shoulders like in the dance Kotsari. The name Kots means "Heal".
19. Kotsangel Danced as the final dance at weddings. With this dance the guest would leave for their homes, the first dancer would hold a handkerchief.
20. Kotsaki Face to face, partner dance from the Nikopoulis region (karsilamas)
or Ketsek ketsek The same dance with different music, danced in the villages of Trabezous.
21. Kotsari Dance from the Kars region, dances hold each other by the shoulders.
22. Koutsikton Omal Danced in almost all of the Pontos areas with some small variations, were they also gave their own names, such as:
or Empr Opis Which means Forwards Backwards.
or Omal As named in Nikopolis and the most common name today.
or Tsarahot As named in Ag-Ntag-Manten with slight change in the steps.
or Foulour As named in the Southern Trabzon region.
or Argolabas As named in the Bafra region.
or Omal Kerasoundas Given that name in Greece (after 1922)
or Lahana Given that name in Greece (after 1922) from the words of the song "Lahana poulim Lahana" which is the cabbage.
23. Kousera Named after a village near the Monastery of St.John of Vazelona. A variation of the dance Tik with a faster beat and the hands kept down.
or Moskof As named in greece, It was best danced by a man named "Moskof" in Thessaloniki, who added some of his own moves to the dance. Thats how it got its name.
24. Kostantin Savvas (Osman Agas) Military Guard of the Bafra-Samsoun in 1202. Known for his disagreement with Alexio Komnino in 1204 after Konstantinopoul was occupied by the Franks, wanting to make the region of Gezelona (Bafra-Amasia-Kavza etc) a separate country. This dance is a variation of the dance "Giouvarlandoum".
25. Letsi Dance from the Kars region. It is the slower variation of the dance "Letsina". Its name means a small bird like a falcon or baby Hawk.
26. Letsina Dance from the Kars region. It is ment to represent a Bird like a Hawk.
27. Mantilia Which means handkercheif. Dance from Kioumous Manten (Metallio Sim). Danced mostly at weddings in front of the couple, on the way to the church.
28. Mavron Pegad (Kara Pournar) Which means The Black well. Danced in the Bafra region.
29. Maheria

A display of Knives. Mentioned by Xenophon:

"After they had poured offerings to the gods and sung the paean, two Thracians got up and began a dance. They were wearing armour, and danced to the sound of a flute. All of a sudden one of them seemed to hit the other one, and the man fell to the ground. The Paphlagonians were alarmed at the sight, and shouted out. But the victor stripped his opponent of his weapons and marched out singing the Sitalcas, a Thracian war song. The other Thracians came and carried off the victim - who looked as if he was dead. In fact, though, he had not been hurt at all."

or Pitsiak ouin The name given by the Turks.
30. Mahmor Dance from Nikopouli (aksi Koi)
31. Militsa Which means a small apple tree.
32. Miteritsa A dance on the seashores and indoors of Trabzon. Adopted from Europe with the song being in the Modern-Greek language. Its name comes from the words of the song. It consists of a male dancer going around a circle of dances and chousing a partner to dance with, at times this gave away who was their secret lover.
33. Monon Horon (Tek kaiten) Danced by the Men of Bafra.
34. Mouzenitkon Mouzena is a village of Argiroupoly.
or Kimishanalidikon Kimishana (Giumushana) is the translated name of Argiroupoly.
35. Momogeria There are various versions of this dance, even as a theatrical show with some ancient meanings. It is seen as the Carnival dance of the Pontians. Also used to masquerade celebrations of Christian tradtions (whilst under Ottoman rule).
36. Ndolme or Tsoulme A dance from the region Ofi. (near Trabzon)
37. Omal Mono A very simplistic dance with six (6) steps, which don't require any specific dance abilities. Founded in the regions of Tsimera of Argiroupoly (south of Trapezond).
38. Omal Kars Same as Omal Mono but consists of more tremble in the body to emphasize each step.
or Paipourt Named after a town found South - Easternly form Trebizond, outside of the known borders of the 1918-1922 pontos region.
or Tiz The same dance in a slower version danced at Ag-Ntag-Manten.
39. Outsai A dance of Nikopolis with very intense trembling, it consists of 10 steps. The positioning of the hands changes from region to region.
or Outsalti Which means 3 - 6 in Turkish.
or Kounihton Name given at Aksi Kioi of Nikoupoli due to its intense trembeling.
or Omal Garasaris The name given to the dance in Greece (after 1922).
40. Patoula Name given to this dance in Western Pontos. It got its name from the song " Patoulas mother, is my Grandmother".
or Pipilomatena Name given to this dance in Eastern Pontos. It as well gets its name from the words of another song" Pipilomatena, damn her"
or kori Kopela Same dance with small variation and different music. Name given from the Galiana region.
41. Samson A dance from the region Samsoun
42. Sarigouz A Turkish word. Sari = Blond, Gouz = Girl. They call it the dance of reaping, it is found in different variations in most parts of Pontos.
43. Serra The nicest and renown dance. It is a variation of the ancient Pyrrhic dance. It got its name from the rive Serra (near Trabzon) were it is said that at its village you would find the best "Serra" dancers.
or Lazikon The name given in the Ofi, Not because it was a "Laz" dance but because Ofi was known to be in the "Laz" region.
or Togialidikon Given this name in the Tonia region.
44. Serrenitsa A dance of South eastern Pontos. It got its name from the village of the region Argirouply.
or Armenitsa Same dance different name.
or Shereanitsa Same dance with a different pronunciation of the name.
or Eikosiena (21) Given its name in Greece (after 1922) some say because it has 21 steps others say after the year 1921...
45. Siton A form of backwards Tik. Danced in Imera (Krom region). It is danced towards the left.
46. Stena Droma (Taratsou Sokaklar) From the region of Bafra.
47. Tam-sara Dance of Nikopoulis. The music is a similar version of "Pipilomatena". Danced mostly in Paltsana of Nikopolis.
48. Tams-ara A dance with its basic steps of "Dipat". Danced in the regions of Argirouply. Again the music is a similar version of "Pipilomatena".
49. Ters From the region of Ag-Ntag-Mavten, a version of "Trigona" danced backwards in a Labyrinth style. Danced towards the left.
or Gemoura Name given to the same dance from Kakatsi (Argirouply region).
50. Ters Alot like the dance "Trigona" with musical variation. It is danced towards the left.
51. Tik (Mono) The name TIk means "uprighte" or "erect" so while you dance your back keeps that stance, mono means single, danced in the southern Trabzon region. Consists of 6 steps.
or diplon (double) The same dance with a added step, common in the "Galiena" region.
52. Tik (diplon) Also called "So Gonato" which means on the knee, it is the style of dance were there in a distinct knee bend whilst dancing. Danced all over pontos, consisting of 10 steps.
53. Tik (Tromahton) The faster version of Tik, Tromahton means frightful, so it is more lively "jumpy" steps, it is also called "Langefton" which means "Jumpy". Popular in the Kotiora (Ordu) area and Kars.
54. Titara (Tete Agats) Similar to the dance "Getiere" in steps and "Dipat" in music. From the "Argyroupoly" region.
55. Tripat Which means 3 steps. A dance from Southern Trabzon.
56. Trigona Danced all over Pontos with variations from region to region. It has taken its name from the songs verse "Over at the mountains Trigona the crown"
57. Tirfon (Trifonas) Dance from the Bafra region. Trifonas was real person who always danced backwards.
58. Tsopanlar A dance from eastern Sinop.
59. Tsourtougouzlou From Kioumous Maten region. A type of fast Tik with the hands held and swung in a vigorous swaying form.
60. Fona Dance from Argyroupoly region. A different version of the dance "Giouverlandoum".
or Armenitsa The same dance just given a different name in the Galiana region.
61. Hala - Hala Dance from Kakatsh (Argyroupoly region)
62. Halai Dance from Ag Nag Maten. A slow anatolian style dance, the first dancer holds a handkerchief.
List has been translated from Nick Zournazidis list of dances... Athens, Greece
Picture of "Argonaughts" Dance group of Kalithea - Athens (thanks to the CD of Mr Michalis Kalionzidis)



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