The Spade Family in America

Anton Späth (a.k.a. Anthony Spade) and Rosina Dorothea Wolf Spade, circa 1880s
(Photograph contributed by Terry Daniel Spade)

Thank you for visiting the "Spade Family in America" Web Site. The purpose of this site is to provide a place for Spade family members to contact each other for the purpose of sharing our family history and photographs. Please be patient while the photos are loading. We have included a large number of family photos, and it may take some time for them to load and appear on your screen. If you have additional or clearer photographs, please share them with us. We have much more historical information, anecdotes, family legends and more photographs than we are able to display on this web site.

. TRIBUTE to Samantha Lynn Spade, High School Class Valedictorian and College Freshman, Killed by a Drunk Driver (1989 - 2007)

. SPADE FAMILY UNIDENTIFIED PHOTOS ALBUM (Click "back" to return to this web page or Click on the link on the right side of the Unidentified Photo home page)

. Guestbook (Click "back" to return to the Spade Family in America home page)

We will continue to update this web site with additional information as our research continues and more family members contribute photos, family trees, newspaper articles, obituaries, etc., so please bookmark this site and add it to your "Favorites" on your browser.

**Spade Family Reunions - 2025 REUNION!! The next Spade Reunion for the descendants of Anton & Rosina Spade, will be held on Saturday, July 15, 2025 again at the Crystal Spring Camp Meeting Grounds near the intersection of Routes 70 and 126 in Crystal Spring, PA. Everyone descended from Anthony and Rosina Spade is welcome to attend. This will be the 20th anniversary of the first "big reunion," in 2005 where up to 500 people were in attendance. Please put it on your calendars--we hope to see you there! This is a link to a video about our upcoming July 15, 2025 Spade Reunion:

The first "Descendants of Anton & Rosina Spade" Spade family reunion in several generations was held July 23-24, 2005 at the Crystal Spring Campground in Pennsylvania and was a huge success. We also had reunions in 2007, 2009, 2012 2015 and 2023. Everyone related to the Spade family is invited, so please pass this information along to anyone who may not be on the email or postal mailing list. If you want to be invited to our next reunion in or want to volunteer to help organize the reunion, please be sure that we ( have your email address.

If you are interested in contacting other Spade relatives, please send an email to the email address at the bottom of this page. In your email please include as much of this information as possible, so we can help you determine the connection to the Spade family:
  • please reference "Spade Family" in your email subject line. In your email please include
  • your name, and
  • your mother or father's name linking you to the Spades, and
  • your ancestral lineage as far as you can back up through the Spades to Anton or Rosina Wolf Spade, even if you're not certain it's correct.

Note: It is my policy to not include any private birth, marriage, or death information for any living person on this web site. If you find any errors in the information listed here or if we have included information for a person you know is still living, please email us immediately at, and we will take action as soon as we receive your email.

(Front L-R) Anton (a.k.a. Anthony), Rosina Dorothea Wolf Spade
(Rear L-R) Nathan Banks, John George, James Silvester, Joseph Leonard, Charles Henry,
Christian Wilhelm, Anthony Jr., Franklin Benjamin, Jacob Frederick, and William Howard Spade

(Photograph contributed by Harry A. Spade, Jr., Sidney Edward "Sid" and Barbara Spade Martin, Jr. and Others)

On This Web Site

. PHOTOGRAPHS and GENEALOGY of Anton and Rosina Wolf Spade and their first (of eight) generations of Descendants

. VETERANS PHOTO ALBUM - Spade Family Descendants and Spouses Who Served In the Military (Click "back" to return to this web page or Click on the link on the right side of the Veterans home page

. GRAPHICAL FAMILY "TREE" of Anthony & Rosina Dorothea Wolf Spade's Children

  • In order to view this "Tree" or any of the others on this web page, you need to have the FREE software, Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. If you don't have it, you can download it here for free. With a dial-up connection, it takes about 25 minutes to download the software. This Adobe Acrobat Reader is the same software on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) web site used to download government forms and income tax brochures.
    Click here to follow the two-step directions to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  • Click "back" to return to this page.

  • Click the "zoom in/magnify" feature on Adobe Acrobat, then view or print the tree in sections.

. TRIBUTE to Edna Lucille Spade Vann, the "Mother of Spade Genealogy" in America

. MISSING PHOTOS Still Needed -- Please Share your Old Family Photos (Click "Back" to return to this web page)

. PLEASE HELP -- Please Help us with our Research (Click "back" to return to this web page)