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The Confession

Orignial airdate: 01/06/02

While Jack aims the gun at Sydney, under orders from Ineni Hassan, he blinks a message to her in Morse code. With precision timing, Sydney and Jack take down Hassan's thugs and capture the arms dealer. They whisk Hassan away, and Jack photographs a "deceased" Hassan. Sloane is duped into thinking that Hassan is dead. In reality, the one-time ally of SD-6 is in CIA custody.

After the mission to Cuba, Vaughn meets with Sydney, and tells her that he investigated the Cyrillic codes from her mother's books. The codes were orders written by the KGB and contain the names of CIA agents who were killed many years ago.

Sloane briefs Sydney and Dixon on their next SD-6 mission. One of Hassan's associates, Minos Sakkoulas, has taken his place in the criminal underground. Sakkoulas has a device, known as "the Package," and Sydney must travel to Greece to get data from Sakkoulas' computer. As a countermission, Vaughn gives Sydney a set of false files. She is to give these files to SD-6, while giving the real info to the CIA.

Vaughn and Sydney again discuss the Cyrillic codes, and both are convinced that Jack collaborated with the KGB. Sydney is reluctant to move forward with the information but Vaughn secretly records their conversation as evidence.

Sydney is unable to break into Sakkoulas' office so Dixon downloads the files. Later, Vaughn reveals to Sydney the secret recording. He also explains that one of the murdered CIA agents was his own father. Sydney is upset and seeks solace in Will Tippin's arms.

Hassan informs Vaughn that "the Package" is hidden in an abandoned missile silo on Crete. He also asks the CIA to bring his wife and son to the States for protection but Vaughn refuses.

Jack also tells Sloane about the missile silo. Sloane believes that Jack learned of this through his own contacts and sends Sydney to retrieve it. With Hassan apparently cooperating, Sydney breaks in and Vaughn guides her via satellite. At the point of entry, Hassan provides a false code to the silo's alarm system. This activates an anti-intruder device and the room begins to shower gasoline.

Hassan refuses to supply the correct code until he receives a written guarantee that his wife and son will get protection. Vaughn and Weiss agree and Sydney returns to LA with the device.

Sydney and Vaughn visit CIA Director Devlin with the evidence about Jack. But they are stunned when Jack, Devlin and other senior officers enters the room. Jack reveals that he never was a KGB agent, that it was Sydney's mother.

~info provided by the Official Alias site
