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The Coup

Orignial airdate: 02/24/02

After the assault on SD-6 by an unnamed organization, Sydney discovers that rivals FTL were attacked and wiped out, and their leader executed on exactly the same date.

Sloane explains that the unknown group has contacted K-Directorate, proposing to share information. SD-6's objective is to determine the time and location of the meeting between K-Directorate and the mystery group, and Sydney and Dixon will be sent to Las Vegas to plant a listening device on a K-Directorate agent.

When Sydney tells her roommate, Francie, about her upcoming "business trip," she and her fiancé, Charlie, are inspired to go to Vegas themselves though Sydney tries to dissuade them from this particular voyage.

At David McNeil's behest, Will sneaks into the headquarters of the company where McNeil once worked. He downloads a "digital guestbook" of everyone who has been using McNeil's software — the next clue in Will's quest for the truth about SD-6.

On campus, a student tells Sydney that she had been dating Charlie, but they had broken up. Unbeknownst to the student, she was dating Charlie at the same time as Francie was. Sydney is stunned, as Charlie has been engaged to Francie for some time but she leaves for Las Vegas. In Vegas, Sydney enters the casino, disguised as a cocktail waitress and sees Francie and Charlie.

Meanwhile, Dixon masquerades as a Jamaican diplomat and enters a poker game with the K-Directorate agent while Sydney hacks into the surveillance system.

Dixon taunts the K-Directorate agent into wagering his ring, which he intends to switch for an one with a listening device. But while Sydney is feeding Dixon information, she sees Charlie and Francie in the casino wedding chapel on a different CCTV monitor.

Sydney races to the chapel and warn Charlie that if he doesn't confess, she'll tell Francie about the affair. After stopping the wedding, Sydney returns as Dixon switches the rings. Moments later, the casino alerts their guards that Dixon is an imposter. Sydney takes down the casino guards and helps Dixon escape.

With the aid of the bug, Sloane learns the meeting is in Moscow and sends Sydney and Dixon. Sydney exchanges info with Vaughn in Griffith Park. Vaughn expresses a desire to become closer to her.

In a deserted office building, a man known as Mr. Sark negotiates to buy the Rambaldi artifact from K-Directorate. When his offer is declined, the leader of K-Directorate is killed by his own bodyguard, and a remaining lieutenant agrees to Sark's deal. Sydney observes, suspended from a military-style harness outside the window. But her foot knocks debris to the ground, and the guard below fires at her.

~info provided by the Official Alias site
