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Q & A

Orignial airdate: 03/17/02

Sydney wears a short-haired wig, and is driving a big American car, fleeing from a squad of police cars. The high-speed pursuit ends on a pier, with Syd surrounded by cops. With nowhere else to turn, she slams her foot to the accelerator and plunges her car into the water.

We find Sydney chained to a chair. It is a day earlier, and we are in the moments immediately following the FBI taking her into custody. FBI Special Officer Kendall now questions her, before a team of interrogators. The CIA are out of the picture, and the questioners are delving into Sydney's background, and her connection to the Rambaldi prophecy. She explains her story. But does the FBI believe her or The Prophecy?

Meanwhile, Jack tells Vaughn that her cover with SD-6 will be destroyed if she remains in FBI custody much longer. According to Rambaldi, the woman in The Prophecy will never have seen Mt. Subasio in Italy. Vaughn has a scheme to prove her innocence. Vaughn and Jack agree that she must get to the mountain somehow to defy The Prophecy.

Vaughn learns that Haladki used to be with the FBI. He asks Haladki about Sydney's location but gets no help. As the questioning intensifies, Sydney talks about her mother, a deceitful woman who worked for years as a KGB spy. Furthermore, while being pursued by an FBI agent, she went off the road, and disappeared with her car into a river.

Jack uses brute force and a deadly threat to force Haladki to divulge Sydney's location. The daring plan is put into action. Jack, Vaughn, and Weiss rescue her and explain the proposed solution to the Rambaldi prophecy. Sydney is angry at first, as her escape now makes her a fugitive but she agrees to travel to Mt. Subasio.

When Haladki learns of the rescue, he immediately knows who was behind it. He discovers that four unmarked cars were taken out, and reports these license plate numbers to the FBI.

Wearing a short wig as a disguise, we find Sydney's drive to the airport interrupted, when the police quickly give chase. And in an ironic moment across town, Will and Francie watch the pursuit on television, unaware that their best friend is the subject.

After plunging the car into the water, Sydney has a burst of insight and breathes the oxygen from the tires. She stays submerged for over ten minutes, long enough get away.

Before boarding the plane, she meets with her father and reveals how she escaped. And, if Sydney managed to fool the police this way, couldn't her mother have done the same?

~info provided by the Official Alias site
