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The Solution

Orignial airdate: 04/21/02

Sydney is despondent after killing Noah Hicks so Vaughn bolsters her spirits by showing her all the groups that she has helped destroy.

"Deep Throat" urges Will to resume the investigation of SD-6. The voice also tells him that Jack Bristow was the man who kidnapped him.

Sydney tells Vaughn to entice Khasinau with the ampule. This way they can capture him and hopefully find Irina Derevko, Sydney's mom. The Kherefu Art Museum in Algiers is a formerly suspected trove of Rambaldi artifacts, and Sydney suggests that they stage a break in. They will dupe Khasinau into believing that a second vial of the solution has been found and this vial is to become the subject of their transaction.

Emily Sloane tells Sydney that she knows about SD-6.

Pretending to be French insurance agents, Vaughn and Sydney steal the alleged Rambaldi artifacts. Upon their return, Vaughn then spreads the word that Raslak Jihad, a radical terrorist group, was behind the robbery and that they intend to sell the liquid. Khasinau takes the bait. A meeting has been arranged in the Indonesian town of Denpassar, where Khasinau's aide, Mr. Sark, will trade diamonds for the liquid.

Sydney is disappointed that Khasinau won't be present at the trade but Vaughn has his own plan. They will bring the real solution, in case Sark wants to test it, but Sydney will then switch this for a placebo.The fake vial contains an element that can be tracked by the CIA.

Meanwhile in L.A., Will submits a sealed envelope containing his piece of SD-6 reportage to fellow reporter Abby. He explains that if he should disappear, the story should be published immediately. Will tells Jack that an unknown source gave him the information. Jack denies any involvement but pays a visit to CIA Director Devlin. He suspects Haladki may be a mole, leaking the information to Will.

Determined to find the mole, Jack agrees to help Will. He confesses that he gave the pin to Eloise Kurtz — the pin that doubles as a surveillance device — though he did not kill her. He tells Will to use the device to inform the unknown source that his SD-6 investigation is back on.

Meanwhile, Tambor Barcelo, head of security for the Alliance, visits Sloane at SD-6. Emily's hospital room has been bugged, and the Alliance is fully aware of her conversation with Sydney. This woman must now be "eliminated" just as Daniel Hecht was. Sloane is outraged, and refuses, but Barcelo knows all about Jean Briault's murder. Sloane's position in the Alliance is shaky, and he is in no position to object.

Sloane instructs Marshall to tap Edward Poole's cell phone. In doing so, they discover Khasinau's phone number. By monitoring this line, Sloane learns about the meeting in Denpassar, and orders Dixon to make an appearance, and to recover the solution.

In Denpassar, Sydney shows up for the trade, wearing dark skin foundation, and a veil as a disguise. Sark asks her to prove her Raslak Jihad identity — the members of whom practice an ancient form of martial arts. Sark leaves her no choice but to fight him, using a latajang — a pole with curved blades on both ends. Although she has never used one before, she quickly adapts, and demonstrates skill with the weapon.

~info provided by the Official Alias site
