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Almost Thirty Years

Orignial airdate: 05/12/02

Mr. Sark asks a badly beaten Will about "the circumference." A sinister Taiwanese interrogator, "Suit And Glasses," who tortured Sydney months before enters with an array of frightening instruments. Sydney receives a call from Sark, and sets up the exchange of her friend for the Rambaldi page and the ampule of solution in Taipei, in 24 hours.

Jack agrees to help recover Will. He can easily get the ampule from CIA storage, but recovering the page will be tricky — it's in an offsite SD-6 vault located off the coast of Santa Barbara — and they will need Sloane's fingerprint and voiceprint in order to gain access. He tells Sydney that she must keep her plan from Vaughn — the CIA has a mole.

When Vaughn explains to Sydney that Will is still likely to be alive, he senses that she is hiding something. Later, he tells Weiss that he suspects that Sydney has her own plan to rescue Will.

Her cancer now in remission, Emily is out of the hospital. At a remote beach house, Sloane finally tells her the truth about SD-6.

Later at SD-6, Alliance member Ramon Veloso explains to Sloane that if he kills Emily, he becomes a full-fledged Alliance member.

Wearing a concealed recording device, Sydney visits Sloane in his office to speak about Emily. It's a decoy for Jack to hack into Sloane's computer, collect the needed passwords, and take voiceprints and fingerprints.

Having now stolen the Rambaldi page, Sydney climbs out of the water, only to be confronted by Dixon. He demands to know why she used the codename "Freelancer" on Mount Aconcagua. Sydney is insists that she is not betraying her country, but also that she cannot reveal the truth to him. Dixon walks away.

Meanwhile, Vaughn meets with Devlin and Haladki. Weiss has reported that Vaughn no longer fully trusts Sydney, and now they all need to know what he may be hiding. Jack calls Devlin. After taking the ampule from the CIA, he assures that he will return the stolen item once his mission is completed. Devlin demands that Jack return immediately.

Since Will has disappeared, his friend Abby goes straight to editor Litvack with his sealed envelope about SD-6. The editor agrees to run the story.

On a hunch, Jack abducts and tortures Haladki, who admits to being the CIA mole and a Khasinau crony. The instructions are for a "battery" that Khasinau is building in a Taipei lab. Jack finally silences him for good.

Vaughn finds Sydney and agrees to help save Will. With Jack, they'll fly to Taipei and while Jack makes the exchange, they'll detonate the battery.

At home, Sloane poisons Emily's wine. In a final toast, she forgives him for the mistakes he has made.

Jack exchanges the page, an exposed drawing, for a bloodied Will. Across town, Sydney and Vaughn find the secret Mueller device beneath a dance club. It is similar to the prototype she retrieved before, but massive, and the detonation unleashes a tremendous flood. Sydney and Vaughn try to escape the torrent, but Vaughn becomes trapped in a room filling with water. Sydney is then captured by a henchman.

Sydney awakens chained to a chair in a Taipei storeroom. But this time, instead of "Suit And Glasses," her interrogator is Khasinau, who explains that "his boss" has questions for her. Puzzled, Sydney admits she thought "The Man" was the one in charge. But Khasinau is not "The Man." The door opens. "The Man" is … Sydney's mother.

~info provided by the Official Alias site
