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The Getaway

Original Airdate: 1/12/03

Jack is attacked as he meets a contact in a darkened movie theater. As he flees on foot, Sydney pulls up and rescues him. He explains that Alliance counter-intelligence is after him because he's suspected of extorting $100 million in bonds from Sloane. Sydney's upset that he didn't tell her. Back at the CIA, Jack explains to Sydney the blackmail scenario involving Sloane and Emily. Kane is framing him, and is uncovering his secrets in the process.

At SD-6, Sloane offers Sydney a new mission: to retrieve Triad's prototype quantum gyroscope missile guidance system. She and Dixon are to intercept Carl Shatz, the courier who is transporting the gyroscope from Berlin to a lab in East France. Vaughn's countermission for Sydney is to steal the gyroscope and create a defective one for SD-6. Vaughn will travel to France as part of an on-site team.

Sloane informs Jack about the tracking device implanted in his neck by The Alliance, so he had to tell Kane of his visit. Sloane says he trusts Jack and gives him a name- Jacques Breo, an Alliance member he murdered. He suggests the blackmailer might want revenge for the killing. Jack discusses this with Irina, admitting he needs her smarts. Irina says she needs Information Resources to pull everything they have on Breo. Meanwhile, Kane suggests to a doubtful Sloane that Sydney might be a double agent.

As Sydney prepares to leave for Nice, Weiss returns from his lengthy stay in the hospital. Dixon and Sydney later arrive at the airport, disguised as a priest and a punk, respectively. Sydney collides with Shatz and picks the gyroscope. While the copy is secretly being made, Vaughn asks Sydney to dinner. She agrees, despite her misgivings. Back at SD-6, Kane learns that Sydney left the airport with a man that was not Dixon and has two agents track them.

Jack and Irina study the information relating to Breo and find that Creole traveled to Lima, Peru six times and each time declared $70,000 in cash. Still, it doesn't suggest a reason for revenge. Irina suggests that Jack find out where he stayed and pull the security tapes.

Sydney and Vaughn begin dinner awkwardly, but the date heats up when they agree to a romantic tryst. Just then Kane's men, who've learned that Vaughn is CIA, enter the restaurant firing. Syd and Vaughn are chased down an alley, where Vaughn kills both of them. Remembering the gyroscope, Vaughn says that they should give SD-6 the real thing so as not to arouse any suspicions.

Jack scans the security tapes of Brio's hotel in Peru and finds a shot of Brio — and Kane! He learns that the same day Sloane handed over the bonds, Kane opened an account in Monaco. If he can get into their network, he can verify her balance and prove she's the blackmailer. Kendall suggests that Jack let the CIA take care of it, but he refuses to wait.

When Jack arrives at SD-6 he logs in to the network and finds that Irina's account balance is zero. He's taken by SD-6 agents to be interrogated by Kane, who injects him with sodium pentothal — truth serum. But Sloane arrives, releases Jack, and holds Kane instead. Jack had sent Sloane an email, giving him an account of what he had found — Kane had deposited the bonds, but only long enough to convert them into cash, which she then withdrew. Later, Irina suggests to Jack that Sloane requested Kane because she was easy to frame.

Sydney tells Francie that nothing will happen with Vaughn. Later, Vaughn informs Sydney that if he tells the truth about the mission in his debriefing, he will be removed as her case officer. Sydney responds by stating that they work well together, and should stay together as a result. She hands Vaughn the gyroscope, she switched them after all.

Sloane meets with a man who has created a ring that will act like the tracking device in his neck. He's now able to move about freely. Sloane kills the man and travels to the Philippines, where he meets his wife. Their plan worked.

~info provided by the Official Alias website
