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TITLE: Sydney's Journal Entry #1
AUTHOR: Amantha Rodailez
DISCLAIMER: ALIAS is the property of ABC, and Bad Robot Productions
RATING: General

Dear journal,

It's me Syd. I'm writing you from Taipei. You don't know how surprised I was to find out my mother was The Man. I still haven't gotten over the shock of it. I mean, all of these years I've grown up without a mother, and now, she appears. I don't know whether or not to be happy, I have a mother, or infuriated, she fled during my childhood. Why? Was it because of me? I just can't figure it out, why she did it. And dad, well dad, he dosen't have any idea, and Arvin, I know he knows something that he's keeping from me. I just don't know, why she did it. And that bugs me the most, why? I must be going, *company's* arriving.

