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Black Ice/White Noise Update...

Shipping of Black Ice/White Noise is on the roll! If your on the reserve list you will receive an e-mail soon
within the next few weeks! has revived my JagCube site, I will be making the transition of this site
over to that server as soon as possible.

Clint Thompson
Ambient Distortions Productions Studio

Ambient Distortions Website Launched...
About: Ambient Distortions..surrounding of all digital matter. Working with and releasing digital media.  If you have a project and need help in getting it released, please contact us: adistortions@aol.comt

Our goals are aimed at unreleased products and software *For such systems as the Sega Dreamcast
and Atari Jaguar* Please check out our PROJECTS section for current and upcoming releases.

Thank you for stopping by,

Ambient Distortions Productions Studio

Please help support Ambient Productions! Please check out our auctions on eBay!

Reproduction of any content, pictures or images, in whole or in part,
without prior written consent of Ambient Distortions is strictly prohibited.
Ambient Distortions is in no way affiliated with Sega, Atari or Infogrames.
Copyright © 1999-2002 Ambient Distortions
All Rights Reserved - {Best viewed at 800x600 Resolution}
Operated and Maintained by Clint Thompson