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Laura’s Diary Archives

The Basement: Laura's Archives
Archives from past dates


Nothing terribly exciting has gone on with me. I have been kinda swamped this past week with tests. I had two in a row, and I have a major Socio test that is worth 20% of my grade looming in the dark. I am also going to do an experiment for that class where I dress like a prostitute to see how people treat me.

I have come to a realization. I think that "Don Juan" may not be--let's just say--not straight on some things. It finally dawned on me when Teal did her usual note-taking on his actions in her psych class, and she reported to me that he had said he went to the local gay bar, where he likes to go "for the music." And why do you go to a place for music? Probably to dance. Now I get "Dancing Queen" stuck in my head whenever I see him. And the fact that he hangs around girls all the time finally makes sense--"cover lovers". The girls are no longer a threat--its the guys I have to watch out for! He's also a member of FLAG. Christie is convinced he is gay, but I don't know for sure. I guess that's why he's transferring so he can come out, since Furman is the last place to be a homosexual.

This weekend I went to the mall to buy an outfit for my experiment and there was also a sale at Dillards and I bought this duster that was so ugly I HAD to get it. Also, I went to a Christian coffee house, where this girl from our school was playing Christian campfire songs on her guitar. She was really good . . . just the content of the music made me nervous. Then I saw a freaky Bob Jones dude on Main Street telling people they were going to go to hell. I wish I had a camera so I could get my picture taken with him. That's definitely a taste of Greenville, and us Greenville tourists need our souvenirs.

So, that's all that's going on with me. My dad is coming up (hopefully) to visit this weekend. Ciao


Another week in the school grind. I hate getting up at 9 am to go class. So far, I have gotten through this term doing relatively little HW. I am going to get a math test back today, which I think I did ok on . . . of course. . .you never know with that shit. Tonight I went to see Madeline Albright for a credit. I was kinda boring, but I went just because she is famous :). Not that I care about politics (anarchy is the way to go).

One thing I want to say is . . . CANDICE IS AN EVIL BITCH!!! Ok, I must first tell you that "Don Juan's" phone number is only 1 digit off from mine. So, the other night, I was messing around, pretending to punch in his numbers (since I am a pussy about calling guys). So, then what I do, is I try to call my own room to make it look like I was getting a call from him. However, I hear ringing. . .not from my phone, and I have this horrible realization I might have dialed his # by mistake! So then, 2 seconds later, our phone starts ringing, and I FREAK OUT! Because I was afraid he had Star 69ed. So anyway, I leap up in panic, trying to stop the answering machine, which is saying in MY voice "hello, you have reached the room of Laura, Sara, and Candice". Meanwhile, the whole time, Candice is telling me, in this smug voice, just to answer the phone. So when it is time to leave a message, Candice is like "Hello, Laura. You are so stupid that you can't even figure out when someone is prank-calling you from a cell phone WHILE YOU ARE IN THE ROOM! So, basically, there was this message on my machine that was Candice laughing her ass off and me cursing her out. If only he knew how much trouble he causes. Now Candice threatens me with her cell phone!!

Another interesting tid-bit. Apparently Courtney, the nympho with jungle fever, likes to show random people pictures of her "sexual chocolate's" schlong. So if you are ever chased by a crazy bleached blond girl in sweats saying "you have to see this picture!!" . . .RUN!

March 10, 2002

Hey! Well, this weekend went rather well. I did not have too much HW (well, I kinda did, but I got really lazy and didn't feel like doing it.) I never want to study on the weekends anyway. . .I just don't. . .

Anyway, something really awesome happened on Friday night. Ok, after I had seen this Celtic Rock concert that the school was hosting, I was really kind of tired, and I took a shower and decided to wind down for the night. Of course, there was only one thing that would motivate me to get my ass out of of my room. . .Danny (rowwllllll). So anyway, I get a knock on my door at around 11:00. It is my friend Christie, who has apparently received a phone call from The Hot One. He wanted to know if she was coming to the Alpha Beta Who-gives-a-fuck frat party that night. She said she was, and apparently (this was UNPROVOKED) he asked me if she would bring me along to. So, after telling me. I have to rush out of my pajamas and look as best as I can. I decide to take my own car, in case the party is really boring (and, in fact, it was one of the most boring things I have been to in my life). But at least I got to see him . . .

Today and yesterday I just at on my ass. . .I did not get up until 2:00 today. I also went to the grocery store (yay yay), I did an oekaki, and yesterday I ate at this really good deli place called McCallisters with the hall. Unfortunately, as I scan the campus and hope to God I will run into him, I don't see him! I mean, he lives in my frikkin BUILDING and I NEVER see him. I hate this term ::cries::. I have no classes near him. Luckily, Teal is in his pysch class, and so she does some spying for me :). I wonder what he would think that someone is unhealthily obsessed with him. I mean, I wish there was some guy that was obsessed with me (just not for my boobs. . .and also one that is not a moron).

Hmm. . .perhaps if Natalie puts her guy's favorite ice tea up, maybe my next pic of the week should be a cross country runner since he runs a lot. (Hopefully, before he tranfers (NOOOOO!) I will see him running with his shirt off . . .)

March 7, 2002

Yay. . .a new month. That means less time between now and summer.

My spring break was pretty relaxing. I enjoyed seeing my friends. It seems that our little friend Kerry got 2 speeding tickets in the same month! I had a nice lunch with Ms. Roark--basically talked about how much Furman sucked. I also bought some new pajamas. One shitty thing that happened is that Sammy suddenly bagged out on us, and I was really upset. He'd been hounding for a year to meet me, and what does he do?? Chickens out! Grrr, that just goes to show how flaky guys are, and WHY YOU CAN'T TRUST THEM FOR SHIT!

I FINALLY got to take my car up to school (yippee) so now I can do whatever I want. My classes are ok, and I did ok in my classes winter term. An A- and a B+. I wanted A's, but no one is perfect (except My Man-Bitch--you know who I mean ;)). It really sucks because I NEVER see him around anywhere. It's like I am trying too hard to stalk him and get a good look at that nice piece of man-meat :O. But he's A LOT more than that. He's a really nice guy. . .really nice. . .

Today really sucked because I saw him walking up the library steps with some blonde girl; they were rather close. That just goes to show how I have a better chance of winning the lottery--twice--before getting a piece of that--ok I REALLY need to stop obsessing over him. It's making me depressed because due to his extreme fine, sexiness, he attracts lots of girls :(.

Hmm. . .I hope my subscription to proves fruitful (like father like daughter. . .sheesh I have reached a new low.)

Sunday, February 25

Hey :)

Sorry about the delay in my updates, and the fact that I wont have a new pic this week. I am home right now for "spring break" (amidst 30 degree temps) and the PC at my house is, like, a 28K modem that I have to share with the rest of the shmucks in my family, including my greedy, annoying brother.

It sure is great to have all my exams over with. I hope that I did well on them and hopefully I was able to pull off A's this semester. I need to boost my GPA in case some hard class comes along. I HATE COLLEGE. I guess the only thing that sucks about being at home with friends and family and homecooked meals and a car and sleeping in MY OWN room and bed and doing whatever the fuck I want is that ITS ONE WEEK WITHOUT DANNY! I don't get to see his gorgeous eyes. I think I am going to cry now. . .

So far this week I went to the Mellow Mushroom 2 nights in a row. My friend Teal drove me down to ATL for break and she stayed with me for a night, and I showed her the wonderful pizza of the Shroom. MMMMMMM! I also went to their Trivia Night with my mom and we got our asses beat because we didn't know shit about Elvis's personal life. The people at the Shroom love me so much for going there all the time. This week is going to kick ass. I am going to go to the mall and exchange this bra at Victoria's Secret, and I hope I did not stretch it. I am going to have lunch with Ms Roark, a faculty member at my highschool, and then on Thurs, hopefully, it will work out that natalie and I will go to meet Sammy for sushi.

That is all the news I have for now. I'll keep the 2 readers who come to this site posted. Bye.

February 17

Well, this week, I actually have shit to write about! :)

I flew up to DC to see my dad get married for the 3rd time. I hope that it works out. He and his new wife Tania were married in a Russian Orthodox church, which was decorated in all these religious icons and had a large chandelier in the middle. It was very pretty, and the ceremony was different than the traditional Christian ceremony. First of all, I had to stand through the whole damn thing (in high heels to boot). It started out where they lit candles and they exchanged their wedding bands. Then, they had the crowning ceremony, which is supposed to represent that the bride and groom were "king and queen of their little kingdom". So, while the priest sang the gospels and vows for 30 min(which were in english), the maid of honor and the best man have to hold these crowns over the bride and groom's heads. My uncle's hands were shaking because he couldn't hold the thing up there for that long. Then, the wedding party had to walk around the lecturn 3 times. So, it was a cultural experience.

The after-party was the best part. The food at the reception was delicious!! There was some sort of steak, jumbo shrimp, various fruits and veggies, bread, crab cakes, cold cuts (salami. . .mmmm). And. . .the best part. . .FUDGE FONDUE! I was in heaven! Sorry, Natalie, there was no sushi, but there will be at my wedding ;) (if I get married). Since I had been eating shitty food all 8 weeks at college, I needed this. I probably wouldn't have survived a 3 hour reception except for champange and Corona. One of Tania's friends, Sveta, was drunk off her ass and hitting on my dad's old college friend. She was wearing, I kid you not, 5" spiked heels, a la exotic dancer (plus she is married). I wish the best for my dad, who is currently on his honeymoon in Miami Beach.

I guess this time next week, I will be in ATL for spring break. Thank GOD!


February 10, 2002

Another week in the college shitter . . .

All in all, this week has sucked ass. My classes are so boring it is not even funny. 3 straight hours of lecture feels like someone is draining all my brain matter out of my ears. It is fucking 11:00 right now and I am hungry as hell. I should make myself some Easy Mac (a college staple) but it is so late and I should not eat so late or else I'll wake up in the middle of the night and feel like barfing. I had a History test on Monday and a math test on Wednesday, so there was a lot of studying. Luckily, I have NO tests this week, and I don't plan to do ANY studying. I am so fucking depressed right now that the resident advisor has forced me to get counseling, which pisses me off even more.

The weekend was ok. I went running with Christie and could barely get over a mile. I am trying to work out more, but I am still out of shape. Plus I need a good jog bra, but unfortunately, the material of sports bras are not 100% titanium. I got a good sandwich at the Atlanta Bread Company. So nice to get some REAL food (besides Easy Mac and shitty dining hall food.

I also tried to dye my hair a nice reddish-brown, but instead it turned out traffic cone orange, so I had to dye over it with more brown hair. It still does not look great, but at least it does not look so bad that I have to wear a hat to cover it up, which I did on Fri. I was pissed because I wanted my hair to look good for my dad's wedding with his Internet Russian Bride, Tanya.

Tomorrow is going to be a more interesting day. I am going to register for my spring term classes as well as celebrate my friend's birthday. My hall is going to Fuddruckers for it. I need a juicy burger like I need a . . .

Well, next week (for the 2 people who visit this site a week), I will be able to give updates on my dad's wedding as well as tell what classes I will be suffering through Spring Trimester. To elaborate on Rodney Dangerfield's words from Back to School: "I feel like I am giving birth. . .to a professor!"

Sunday, February 3

Good Evening.

I hope everyone is having a good Superbowl Sunday. Not that I really give two shits about football, but I am rooting for the Rams. This is probably laughable, but the reason is that there is this really, really hot guy I know from St. Louis, and so I am rooting for his home team. I was really excited he joined my friend Christie and I in the food court.

This week has been pretty boring, as my life usually is. Sometimes I wonder why I am posting all this crap on the web which no one even wants to read. I actually went to the gym (Christie forced me into it :). I am trying to change my lifestyle. See? I guess the only incentive I have is that she knows when the Cross Country team (which includes the hot guy mentioned above) will be running with their shirts off and their little short shorts, and maybe then I will go work out.

I have 2 tests this coming week, and I hope I do ok. I got A's on my last tests, so the pressure is off (a little). Tonight I need to concentrate on my history test. Yeah, I know it's nerdy, but it keeps me away from ennui, which is by far, the worst feeling ever (just ask Emma Bovary). Luckily, my "Spring Break" is only in 3 weeks! And in 2 weeks, I get to go to my dad's wedding, where he will be marrying this Russian woman he met off the Net.

My life is normal. . .yeah. . .

::Thinks about how to fill all that empty space at the bottom.::

Am I THAT boring??

January 27


Tomorrow is going to suck ass. I am supposed to get a math test back as well as a history test that counts about 25% of my grade. Gee, I hope I did not fuck it up, or else my GPA is screwed. Note the "fact of the week". . .Furman is no cake walk. You get an Ivy League Education without the reputation.

This school is killing my love life. . .it's like some sort of barren wasteland. Guys here do not want to date. Any real couples you see get engaged within six months of knowing each other (old south shit. . .). The sex ratio is 60:40 girls to guys, and to make it all worse, there are a lot of pretty girls here. For someone who has been single pretty much all her life, this is NOT the place to go to college. A friend of mine, who's a sophomore, told me that she had never been asked out, and she is a nice, smart pretty girl, and if she cannot get some. . .I'm obviously fucked over. . .

On Friday, I went to the Raisin Ranch to visit senile old people. It was a strange experience because they were a lot like children in that they had to be taken care of constantly, but they were very wise and they had once had lives. It was like they were sick because a lot of them were bed-ridden, but not really sick. It also makes you appreciate living life because pretty soon, that could be you. . .

I cannot wait to come home and see Mommy's little Prissy Poo. . .because I really miss her and I know she misses her mommy. I just want to hold her and feel her fat and fur and hear her purr. . .

Tuesday January 22

Well, I skipped Monday, and it appears Natalie did too, so I am cool hehe. I am getting shitloads of homework and studying. It is really stressful and I don't know how they expect us to do it all. I have a math test this Fri. Luckily I made a B on the last one, and I think I understand limits pretty well. . .

The Daria movie was a really nice end to the season. It's good to see all the characters go off to college (except Kevin, of course), and I am especially glad that Daria and Tom broke up. Perhaps he will find some girl who is as equally rich and self-centered as he. Hmm. . .I was just thinking. . .him and Sandi would make a nice pairing. . .good idea for a fanfic :). But I am really going to miss the good old days--the Jake meltdowns, Mr. O'Neill's obnoxious sensitivity, Mr. DiMartino's evil eye, Ms. Barch's raging feminism, Brittany's squeaky voice, Trent's apathetic nature, and especially Daria's biting sarcastic comments. The stupid Garbage video right in the middle of the movie pissed me off, and that annoying VJ was this close to being pummeled.

As for today, nothing really interesting happened. Last night I stayed up late and talking to one of my friends till 3 am. It is really hard to get sleep around this place, and I went to the coffee shop to read and study. Ok, I need to take a shower now and eat some of the soft pretzels (yum) that my roommate bought

Sorry I missed the last couple of days, but to make up for it, I have some more interesting stuff to write rather than about how much college sucks. . .

Well, On Friday night, I went out to dinner with a few of my friends. One of them, Christie, had never tried sushi before. The thought of raw fished kind of psyched her out and she didn't really like sushi. I got some califorina rolls and the T.N.T Maki roll (which was quite spicy). Then, we all got ice-cream. So it was a nice night.

Saturday was an ok day. The weather was really nasty in Greenville. I woke up around one o'clock, and I went to the mall. I went to Victoria's Secret and got a gold bra that was on sale for $5. Then, I got back to the dorm and I decided to dye part of my hair blue. I made this huge mess in the bathroom and literally turned the sink blue! It looked like I had murdered a Smurf. Since I didn't bleach it, my hair looks sort of dark green. It didn't turn out as cool as I had hoped.

My friend Teal from next door moved out today because she could no longer stand her roommate who is a nymphomaniac with jungle fever. I am going to miss her a lot and I hope that everything is better for her, and I hope her roommate works out ok.

Until then. . .goodnight. . .and I will write about the Daria movie tomorrow. . .

January 17, 2002

Hey! Well, today was just another boring day in the Furman shitter. I spend three hours straight studying for a history test, which I have tomorrow. My hand is going to hurt like a bitch after writing some bullshit essay on the French Revolution or Peter the Great, who was, indeed, a Great Peter haha . . .

I am still really worried about my school work. I am going to get my math test back soon, and I know I did not do so well on it. I am still waiting to get that test back because I want to get the bad grade over with. Calculus sucks royal ass. I am so lost and my professor comes to class high, so I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

Nothing much is going on with me STILL. I am just trying to make it through winter term without dying. I am STILL addicted to WinBrickout, although when I was playing today, the Mania levels were kicking my ass, and then NATALIE (being the bitch she is) interrupted my game. However, I introduced her to my online friend Sammy, who is a very friendly person. And, my love life is STILL non-existent. So. . .pretty boring. I am STILL waiting for Prince Charming :)

Tuesday, January 15

This is my senior pic. It is the best, most recent one that I have. Hopefully, I will be able to get a newer, much nicer one, but until then this is the best I can do (considering that I look like a squinty-eyed moron). I am sorry if my side of the page looks like shit, but it is really late at night and my side of the page got deleted somehow because I am a worthless piece of shit and I deserve to die.

I hope that this side will look a lot nicer. I plan to scan in some photos and more drawings. It is good to have a roommate with a scanner, which hopefully she will allow me to use.

Nothing really interesting is going on in my life right now. I am a boring college kid who is oppressed by annoying, stuck up professors who think that their shit smells sweeter than anyone else's. I took a math test today which I probably bombed.

The only good thing that is on the horizon is that the Daria Movie "Is it College Yet" will be airing in five days! Unfortunately, it is the last new episode.

I am sorry that my side doesn't look really good and peppy right now, but I am just not in a peppy mood. Adieu, adieu. . .parting is such sweet sorrow. . .