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FPDEdit allows you to edit FPD expansion save files on your PC in English, import/export single wrestler saves, and create HTML templates with ease. It also has a function to convert a bitmap into an FPD organization logo.

Latest version:
- Fixed an old problem with numbering of wrestler heads when generating an HTML template

Download FPDEdit 1.4 (1.5MB, 275kb zipped)

Fire Pro Return Rate Calculator

Shows specific counter moves against all attacks for each return skill and calculates the chance of a counter happening during all damage categories, based on all combinations of the wrestler's fight style, return skill and size. The "Return Skill", counter move & damage category columns and "Fight Style" & "Size" choices are for the defender, and the move category and attack choices is for the move that is being used against them. - Download (520kb, 73kb zipped)

FPD Critical Rate Calculator

As the name indicates, it calculates the rate for CRITICALs in FPD. - Download

You need the following files to run the above programs. You can download them from here if you don't already have them.