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<title>Flower Children</title>
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<h2 align="center">Flower Children</h2>


<!--Freetext-->Were you born into the wrong decade and really, really want your children to have the flower-child peace-love-harmony name that you, Sarah Smith, missed out on? Did your stupid aging hippy parents bestow upon you the name Starchild or Eagle-Eye or Moonprancer and you wish to carry on the tortuous tradition? Or do you just really like communing with nature? You've come to the right place.<br>
Only one category here, because pretty much all the names listed could swing either way. I apologise for the huge font, but it was necessary if I wanted to maintain the pretty background.<p>
<font color="#CCCCFF">PS from Ailly-chan:  I think I might have solved the background/font problem, but Nadia may not like it.  Either way, thanks to peaceloveandme.com for the cool background.  Here's the link: <a href= "http://www.peaceloveandme.com"> Click Me! </a></font>
Ash <br>
Aura <br>
Berry <br>
Blaze <br>
Blossom <br>
Blythe <br>
Briar <br>
Cedar <br>
Chance <br>
Charity <br>
Clay <br>
Clover <br>
Comfort <br>
Coral <br>
Crystal <br>
Cyan <br>
Daisy <br>
Dawn <br>
Destiny <br>
Diamond <br>
Divine <br>
Ebony <br>
Eglantine <br>
Essence <br>
Fancy <br>
Fawn <br>
Fern <br>
Flower <br>
Fortune <br>
Fox <br>
Garnet <br>
Ginger <br>
Gypsy <br>
Happy <br>
Harmony <br>
Hazel <br>
Heather <br>
Honey <br>
Hope <br>
Ice <br>
Indigo <br>
Iris <br>
Ivory <br>
Jewel <br>
Joy <br>
Lake <br>
Lark <br>
Love <br>
Magnolia <br> 
Marigold <br>
Meadow <br>
Merry <br>
Miracle <br>
Misty <br>
Monday <br>
Moon <br>
Oak <br>
Ocean <br>
Olive <br>
Opal <br>
Peace <br>
Primrose <br>
Rain <br>
Reed <br>
River <br>
Rose <br>
Saffron <br>
Sage <br>
Scarlett <br>
Serenity <br>
Shell <br>
Silver <br>
Sky <br>
Star <br>
Storm <br>
Sunshine <br>
Tawny <br>
Teal <br>
Tempest <br>
Topaz <br>
Unique <br>
Unity <br>
Violet <br>
Winter <br>
Wood <br>
Wren <p>

Such as... <br>
Ashberry <br>
Moonflower <br>
Lovejewel <br>
Riverreed <br>
Silverstar <br>
Peacerose <br>
Gypsyflower <br>
Sunwood <p>

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