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Ryoko, Goddess of You and Everything Else

Anime is another favorite of mine. There are many great anime series but here I'll list a few and just a little about them.

Every Anime Series seems to have one or several extremely beautiful women on the show.? In my opinion Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo and other series is the god of anime women.

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In the 3 different Tenchi series Ryoko and Ayeka fight for Tenchi's attention. Ryoko is different from everybody else because the warrior part of her makes her very aggressive. Ryoko is a demon/space pirate. In most of the Tenchi series she constantly fights with the other women in her pursuit of Tenchi.

The 3 Tenchi Series:

Tenchi Universe: This series starts out with Mihoshi chasing Space Pirate Ryoko to earth where Ryoko runs into Tenchi. A episode later Aeka arrives looking for Yosho her fiance. She ends up staying around with Tenchi too. After that Sasami arrives looking for Aeka and she stays too. Ryoko tries to suduce Tenchi but is interupted by Aeka, the get into a fight and accidentally release Washu the super genous. Then a few episodes later Kiyone comes to earth looking for her partner Mihoshi (who she doesn't want to find) and she and Mihoshi end up staying too although they try to rent apartment and live seperatly from the rest of the group. While this was going on a evil fake emperor claiming to be Yosho returns to Juria and takes the throne. The first thing he does is to make Aeka and Sasami outlaws to make his claim undisputable. So Jurian warcraft appear at earth and our group is force to flew in Kiyone's space shit, taking their house with them. The go on a long journey that eventually gets them to the planet Juria. In the battles before that Ryoko got seriously wounded, she hid the wound well enough that only Nagi, a bounty hunter whose chased Ryoko for many years, noticed. Never the less Ryoko get Tenchi into the Jurian palace to do battle with the evil Emperor. Ryoko flys off with Ry-o-ki after she gets him there and dies. Tenchi defeats the Emperor and it looks like he will marry Aeka, but he decides to go back to earth. Life is back to normal for him except one day when he sees Ryoko. She says, "don't be sad the carnival always comes back around" and then the series ends with them.


Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop : Cowboy Bebop is a very popular series just released in the U.S.A.? Its play late at night on cartoon network. The series is about bounty hunters.The show focuses on a group of 4 cowboys. Spike, Faye, ED!!!, and? Jet. They all end up in a quest to find out what each of them desire or need. For Spike its to find Julia, Faye wants to find out her past, ED... well I'm not sure what Ed wants but Ed's very crazy/genius , Jet I'm not sure about him either.?

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? A cool Cowboy Bebop Site, check it out?

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