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April and Rachy's Site- Run While You Can >

This Sack Of Cheese Was Brought To You By April and Rachy
Suckle On Our Goodness!!






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Welcome to Strait Jacket Island, Population: Two.

Wow, look at that picture! Isn't that the purdiest picture you ever did see? Wait.... no it's not! Ugh, it's horrible! Agh, who's that hideously malformed one in the middle? I hear you ask. *cough* That would be me. Yes, I am the ugly ginger one. You can tell it is I as I am the palest one in the group. This is a picture of me and my... *shudder*... friends. Yes, the psychotic one next to me is of course April. I have no idea what she's smiling at. Oh well. I generally never know what's going on. Note how everyone else is either smiling or interacting with each other and I just sort of stand there looking like I don't want to be there. It's all true (no offence to the people in this picture). Ahem, reading from left to right, we have the adorable love triangle: Rebecca Sharkey (Spoonshark), Tom Chippendale and Seema Patria, who are all madly in love with each other. Actaully, they all hate each other but me and Medusa think one of those two girls would so make a cute couple with Tom. Speaking of Medusa, there she is next to me, dressed as my latest comic book character Solitaire. I am dressed up as Solitaire's friend Lay. Next to April we have Terri King who is giving Natalie Newton (AKA Pervert Lady) an odd look. Terri isn't a touchy feely person you see. Simliar in perverse activities as dear Natalie, we next have Bekky Gregory, the paedophile. For more cool pictures of Bekky as various embaressing things (non porn by the way, I'm not the pervert she is)visit the Skoolwurk section... NOW!!! And last but not least, we have Amy... um.. dunno how you spell her last name. Amy looks the most normal in this although she for some reason, is the only one with any kind of shadowy effect on her jeans. I don't know, it was very late when I drew this and coloured it. Leave me alone now. Everyone's going to hurt me when they see this...

What's new in the world of Rachy and April:

A very feeble update arrives, limping as it approaches. I am so ashamed. But the comic Hobgoblins has been going quite well- I'm just taking a hiatus for a while. Hiatus is such a cool word. Anyway yeah, me and April wrote a story which can be found in.... *drum roll* the stories section!!!!!!!!!

Um.. anyway yeah so back to our normal announcement. Welcome to our website. Big hello-and-howdoyado to our mates, Terri, MEDUSA!!!!Gina, Bekky, Becca, Jamie, Tom, Sarah, Natalie, Amy, Sam (love ya!), Lucy goosey, Seema, Jade, Sara, Laura, Katie, if your name ain't here you know we still love you.

E-mail April

E-mail Rachy