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Dumb Laws in USA


It is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle.
It is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.
Masks may not be worn in public.
Dominoes may not be played on Sunday.
It is legal to drive the wrong way down a one-way street if you have a lantern attached to the front of your automobile.
You must have windshield wipers on your car.
Men may not spit in front of the opposite sex.
You may not drive barefooted.
It is illegal to maim oneself to escape duty.
It is illegal to impersonate a person of the clergy.


It is illegal to push a live moose out of a moving airplane.
While it is legal to shoot bears, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited.
Moose may not be viewed from an airplane.


Hunting camels is prohibited.
Any misdemeanor committed while wearing a red mask is considered a felony.
There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus.
Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs.
A class 2 misdemeanor occurs if one places a mark upon a flag which is "likely to provoke physical retaliation".
It is illegal to manufacture imitation cocaine.
When being attacked by a criminal or burglar, you may only protect yourself with the same weapon that the other person possesses.
It is unlawful to refuse a person a glass of water. You may not have more than two dildos in a house.


The Arkansas legislature passed a law that states that the Arkansas River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little Rock.
Arkansas must be pronounced "Arkansaw"
A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.
Oral sex is considered to be sodomy.
Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.


No alcohol beverages can be displayed within five feet of a cash register of any store in California that sells both alcohol and motor fuel.
A server in California can be convicted of selling to a minor if the purchaser uses a false or altered ID to buy the alcohol.
In 1930, the City Council of Ontario passed an ordinance forbidding roosters to crow within the city limits.
You cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time.
It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at one time.
Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
In Los Angeles, a man is legally entitled to beat his wife with a leather belt or strap, but the belt can't be wider than 2 inches, unless he has his wife's consent to beat her with a wider strap.
Community leaders passed an ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to try and stop a child from playfully jumping over puddles of water.
It's illegal to ride a bike into a swimming pool.
It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale
Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.
Women may not drive in a house coat.


Colorado law requires that wine be sold in containers of at least 24 ounces and spirits in containers at least a fifth of a gallon. But, at the same time, it also decrees that no alcohol beverage can be stored in hotel minibars in anything larger than miniature containers.
In Denver it is unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next-door neighbor.


Druggists in Connecticut must pay $400.00 each year for a license in order to use alcohol in compounding prescriptions.
In Devon, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.
In Hartford, you aren't allowed to cross a street while walking on your hands.
You can be stopped by the police for biking over 65 miles per hour.


It is illegal to fly over any body of water, unless one is carrying sufficient supplies of food and drink.
"R" rated movies shall not be shown at drive-in theaters.


In Miami, it's illegal for men to be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.
Any form of sexual contact other than missionary position is a misdemeanor.
It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit.
If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.
A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.
Women may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner.
Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.
It is illegal to skateboard without a license.
You may not fart in a public place after 6 P.M. on Thursdays.
It is considered an offense to shower naked.
You are not allowed to break more than three dishes per day, or chip the edges of more than four cups and/or saucers.
Penalty for horse theft is death by hanging


It is illegal to say "Oh, Boy" in Jonesboro, Georgia.
It's against the law to holler “snake” within the city limits of Flowery Branch.
It is illegal to use profanity in front of a dead body which lies in a funeral home or in a coroners office.
You have the right to commit simple battery if provoked by "fighting" words.
No one may carry an ice cream cone in their back pocket if it is Sunday.


Billboards are outlawed.
All residents may be fined as a result of not owning a boat.
Coins are not allowed to be placed in one's ears.


Idaho state law makes it illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than fifty pounds.
In Pocatello, a law passed in 1912 provided that "The carrying of concealed weapons is forbidden, unless same are exhibited to public view."


Law forbids bees to fly over the village or through any of its streets.
It is against the law for a monster to enter the corporate limits.
It's prohibited to hum on public streets on Sundays.
It is illegal for anyone to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals kept as pets.
People who are diseased, maimed, mutilated, or deformed to the point of being "an unsightly or disgusting object" are banned from going out in public.
It is illegal to fish in one's pajamas.
It is illegal to take a French Poodle to the opera.
It is illegal to speak English. The officially recognized language is "American."
It is illegal for women weighing more than 200 lbs. to ride horses in shorts.
It is illegal to mispronounce the name Joliet.


It's illegal in Indiana for liquor stores to sell milk or cold soft drinks. They can, however, sell uinrefrigerated soft drinks.
In Gary, persons are prohibited from attending a movie house or other theater and from riding a public streetcar within four hours of eating garlic.


Horses are forbidden to eat fire hydrants.
Forbids any establishment from charging admission to see a one-armed piano player.
Kisses may last for as much as, but no more than, five minutes.
Firemen are required to practice for 15 minutes before attending a fire.
It is unlawful for any male person, within the corporate limits of the city, to wink at any female person with whom he is unacquainted.
Running a “tab” is illegal
If a law enforcement officer is having a drink in a bar in Iowa and an employee pours water down the drain, the water is legally considered an alcohol beverage intended for unlawful purposes.
An owner or employee of an establishment in Iowa that sells alcohol can't legally consume a drink there after closing for business.


Kansas state law requires pedestrians crossing the highways at night to wear tail lights.
It is against the law to have a musical car horn.
No one may catch fish with his bare hands in Kansas.
It is illegal for restaurants to sell cherry pie a la mode on Sundays.
A man's mistreatment of his mother-in-law may not be used as grounds for divorce.
It is illegal to carry a concealed bean snapper.
It is illegal to ride a mule down Main Street in August, unless the animal is wearing a straw hat.
It is illegal to throw a knife at anyone wearing a striped suit.
Prohibits shooting rabbits from a motorboat.


A person can be sent to jail for five years for merely sending a bottle of beer, wine or spirits as a gift to a friend in Kentucky.
It's against the law to shoot off a policeman's tie.
It's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket.
By law, anyone who has been drinking is "sober" until he or she "cannot hold onto the ground."


It is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol.
Biting someone with your natural teeth is "simple assault," while biting someone with your false teeth is "aggravated assault."
It is illegal to gargle in public places.


After January 14th you will be charged a fine for having your Christmas decorations still up.
You may not step out of a plane in flight.
Shotguns are required to be taken to church in the event of a Native American attack.


Maryland now requires that alcohol beverage writers be certified as experts by an agency of the state before they can receive product samples, which it limits to three bottles per brand.


There is a Massachusetts law requiring all dogs to have their hind legs tied during the month of April.
It is illegal to take more than 2 baths a month within Boston confines.
Mourners at a wake may not eat more than three sandwiches.
Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.
An old ordinance declares goatees illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public.
Taxi drivers are prohibited from making love in the front seat of their taxi during their shifts.


It is illegal to walk backwards on first street with a pickle in your mouth.
It's illegal in Michigan for a person under the age of 21 to give a gift of alcohol beverage to anyone, even to a person of legal age.
There is a law that makes it legal for a farmer to sleep with his pigs, cows, horses, goats, and chickens.
Couples are banned from making love in an automobile unless the act takes place while the vehicle is parked on the couple's own property.
A woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without her husband's permission.
You may not swear in front of women and children in the state of Michigan.


Women may face up to 30 days in jail if they impersonate Santa Claus.
Double-parkers can be put on a chain gang.
Every man is required by law to grow a beard.
It's illegal to tease skunks.


The fine for waving a gun in public is higher than actually shooting it.
It is illegal to drive around the town square more than 100 times in a single session.
One may not spit on the sidewalks on the square.
Motor vehicles on the square are prohibited.
Horn honking is not permitted as it might scare horses.
It is unlawful to shave in the center of main street.


Minors are not allowed to purchase cap pistols; but they may buy shotguns freely.
It's illegal to sit on the curb of any city street and drink beer from a bucket.
It is illegal for a fireman to rescue a woman in a nightgown; in order to be rescued, a woman must be fully clothed.
Women are forbidden from wearing hats that "might frighten timid persons, children, or animals."
Missouri considers drunkenness an "inalienable right."
Anyone under the age of 21 who takes out household trash containing even a single empty alcohol beverage container can be charged with illegal possession of alcohol in Missouri.
Hard objects may not be thrown by hand.


It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone.
It is a felony for a wife to open her husband's mail.
Seven or more indians are considered a raiding or war party and it is legal to shoot them.
It is a misdemeanor to show movies that depict acts of felonious crime.
In Montana, it is illegal for married women to go fishing alone on Sundays, and illegal for unmarried women to fish alone at all.
It is illegal for a man and a woman to have sex in any other position other than missionary style.


A parent can be arrested if his child cannot hold back a burp during a church service.
It's illegal for a barber to shave a customer's chest.
It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
Selling doughnut holes in this city is verboten.
It is illegal for a mother to give her daughter a perm without a state license.
Barbers are forbidden to eat onions between 7 am and 7 PM.


It is illegal to drive a camel on the highway.
It's still "legal" to hang someone for shooting your dog on your property.
In Nevada sex without a condom is considered illegal.
In Las Vegas, it's against the law to pawn your dentures.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire law forbids you to tap your feet, nod your head, or in any way keep time to the music in a tavern or restaurant.
You cannot sell the clothes you are wearing to pay off a gambling debt.
It is considered an offense to check into a hotel under an assumed name.
It is illegal to pick seaweed up off of the beach.
Any cattle that crosses state roads must be fitted with a device to gather its feces.
You may not run machinery on Sundays.
On Sundays citizens may not relieve themselves while looking up.

New Jersey

It's illegal in New Jersey for parents to give their children under the age of 18 even a sip of alcohol.
It's against the law to slurp your soup in a public eating place in New Jersey.

New Mexico

It's forbidden for a female to appear unshaven in public.

New York

It is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards on the sidewalks when a concert is on.
A man can't go outside while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match.
A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. This old law specifically prohibits men from turning around on any city street and looking "at a woman in that way." A second conviction for a crime of this magnitude calls for the violating male to be forced to wear a "pair of horse-blinders" wherever and whenever he goes outside for a stroll.
It is against the law to throw a ball at someone's head for fun.
A license must be purchased before hanging clothes on a clothesline.
The penalty for jumping off a building is death.

North Carolina

Persons in possession of illegal substances must pay taxes on them. However, paying taxes on these items does not make them legal.
A three dollar tax must be paid on all white goods sold.
Organizations may not hold their meetings while the members present are in costume.
Bingo games may not last over 5 hours unless it is held at a fair.
Serving alcohol at a bingo game is not allowed.
No one may be a professional fortune-teller, and if one wishes to pursue the practice as an amateur, it must be practiced in a school or church.
It's against the law to sing off key.
Elephants may not be used to plow cotton fields.
While having sex, you must stay in the missionary position and have the shades pulled.
If a man and a woman who aren't married go to a hotel/motel and register themselves as married then, according to state law, they are legally married.
All couples staying overnight in a hotel must have a room with double beds that are at least two feet apart. Making love in the space between the beds is strictly forbidden.
It is illegal to have sex in a churchyard.
Oral sex is considered a crime against nature.
A marriage can be declared void if either of the two persons is physically impotent.
The mere possession of a lottery ticket is illegal in North Carolina and may result in a $2,000 fine.

North Dakota

Beer & pretzels can't be served at the same time in any bar or restaurant.
One may be jailed for wearing a hat while dancing, or even wearing one to a function where dancing is taking place.
It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.

If you ignore an orator on Decoration day to such an extent as to publicly play croquet or pitch horseshoes within one mile of the speaker's stand, you can be fined $25.00.
It's illegal for a woman to strip off her clothing while standing in front of a man's picture.
Women are prohibited from wearing patent leather shoes in public.
It is illegal to fish for whales on Sunday.
It is illegal to get a fish drunk.


It is against the law to open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer.
It's unlawful to put any hypnotized person in a display window.
Violators can be fined, arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog.
Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state.
Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property.


Dishes must drip dry.
The "Peer Review Statute" prohibits you from finding out details of any written or oral discussion about your medical treatment. Not even a court of law can. All you can access is what the doctor or nurse voluntarily records in your chart.
It is illegal to whisper "dirty" things in your lover's ear during sex.
Ice cream may not be eaten on Sundays.
It is illegal to buy or sell marijuana, but it is legal to smoke it on your own property.
One may not bathe without wearing "suitable clothing,", that which covers one's body from neck to knee.
Canned corn is not to be used as bait for fishing.


Public intoxication is a crime.
The state law of Pennsylvania prohibits singing in the bathtub.
In Pennsylvania, "any motorist driving along a country road at night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue."
A special cleaning ordinance bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a rug in a dwelling.
No man may purchase alcohol without written consent from his wife.
A person is not eligible to become Governor if he/she has participated in a duel.

Rhode Island

It is illegal to challenge someone to a duel, or accept a duel, even it it is never actually fought.
Riding a horse over any public highway for the purpose of racing, or testing the speed of the horse is illegal.
Exercising any labor, business, or work, or using any game, sport, play, or recreation, or causing any of the above to be done to or by your children, servants, or apprentices on the first day of the week (Sunday) results in a penalty of $5 for the first offense and $10 for the second.
It is illegal to coast downhill in your car with your transmission in neutral, or with the clutch disengaged.
Impersonating a town sealer, auctioneer, corder of wood, or a fence-viewer is against the law.
It is illegal to place a windmill within twenty-five rods of any traveled street or road.
It is considered an offense to throw pickle juice on a trolley.
Professional sports, except ice polo and hockey, must obtain a license to play games on Sunday.
Any marriage where either of the parties is an idiot or lunatic is null and void.

South Carolina

It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.
Movies that show police officers being struck, beaten, or treated in an offensive manner are forbidden.
It is a capital offense to inadvertently kill someone while attempting suicide.
Every adult male must bring a rifle to church on Sunday in order to ward off Indian attacks.
It is perfectly legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays.
When approaching a four way or blind intersection in a non-horse driven vehicle you must stop 100 ft from the intersection and discharge a firearm into the air to warn horse traffic.
Horses may not be kept in bathtubs.
It is considered an offense to get a tattoo.
Performing a U-turn within 1,000 feet of an intersection is illegal.
Musical instruments may not be sold on Sunday.
No work may be done on Sunday.
All schools must prepare a suitable program for Francis Willard Day.
Dance halls may not operate on Sundays.
Merchandise may not be sold within a half mile of a church unless fruit is being sold.
Fortune tellers are required to obtain a special permit from the state.
A railroad may not remove itself from a town of more than five hundred people.
Railroad companies may be held liable in some instances for scaring horses.
By law, if a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, the marriage must take place.
It is illegal to communicate with a woman using obscene messages.

South Dakota

No horses are allowed into Fountain Inn unless they are wearing pants.
It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.
Movies that show police officers being struck, beaten, or treated in an offensive manner are forbidden.
If there are more than 5 Native Americans on your property you may shoot them.


It is illegal for a woman to drive a car unless there is a man either running or walking in front of it waving a red flag to warn approaching motorists and pedestrians.
It is illegal to shoot any game other than whales from a moving automobile.
It is illegal to lasso a catfish in Tennessee.


The entire Encyclopedia Britannica is banned in Texas because it contains a recipe for making beer that can be used at home.
Texas state law prohibits taking more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.
Beer many not be purchased after midnight on Sunday, but can be purchased anytime on Monday.
It is Texas law that when two trains meet each other at a railroad crossing, each shall come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed until the other has gone.
Texas law forbids anyone to have a pair of pliers in his possession.
A city ordinance states that a person cannot go barefoot without first obtaining a special five-dollar permit.
It is illegal to drive without windshield wipers. You don't need a windshield, but you must have the wipers.
It is illegal to milk another person's cow.
You can be legally married by publicly introducing a person as your husband or wife 3 times.


It is against the law to fish from horseback.
Alcohol may not be sold during an emergency.
Individuals may not possess beer in containers larger than two liters unless they are a retailer.
It is illegal to cause a catastrophe.
It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon. You can have them, but you just can't detonate them.
Birds have the right of way on all highways.
A husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while she is in his presence.
You're not allowed to sell beverages containing more than 3.2% alcohol.
It is a felony to persistently tread on the cracks between paving stones on the sidewalk of a state highway.
It's legal for restaurants to serve wine with meals, but only if you ask for the wine list.
It is considered an offense to hunt whales.


Lawmakers made it obligatory for everybody to take at least one bath each week.
Whistling underwater is illegal.
It is illegal to deny the existence of God.
At one time it was illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole
Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.


Virginia law forbids bathtubs in the house; tubs must be kept in the yard.
If you are intoxicated but not driving your car, but the person who is driving your car is intoxicated, both you and the driver can be charged with DUI in Virginia.


It is illegal to carry a concealed weapon that is over six feet in length.
It's illegal to ride an ugly horse.
All lollipops are banned.
A law to reduce crime states: "It is mandatory for a motorist with criminal intentions to stop at the city limits and telephone the chief of police as he is entering the town.”
It is illegal to sit on a man's lap on a metro bus, unless you are married.
All motor vehicles must carry anchors as an emergency brake.

West Virginia

No member of the clergy is allowed to tell jokes or humorous stories from the pulpit during a church service.
No children may attend school with their breath smelling of "wild onions."


Women are not allowed to wear anything red in public.
It is illegal to cut a woman's hair.
It is illegal to kiss on a train.
Cheese making requires a cheese maker's license.
You must manually flush all urinals in a building.
Butter substitutes are not allowed to be served in state prisons.


If one is drunk in a mine, he or she could land in jail for up to a year.
Junk dealers may not make any business transactions with drunk persons.
It is illegal to wear a hat that obstructs people's view in a public theater or place of amusement.
Using a firearm to fish is strictly forbidden.
Any person who fails to close a fence is subject to a fine of up to seven hundred and fifty dollars.
It is illegal for women to stand within five feet of a bar while drinking.
You may not take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit.
Skiing under the influence of alcohol is prohibited.
All new buildings that cost over $100,000 to build must have 1% of funds spent on art work for the building.

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