Society for the Easily Amused

Welcome to Society for the Easily Amused! This section of the site is for all those who are amused by the simpelist things. I am one of them. So what this is going to do is give idea's to the easily amused of ways to keep yourself amused for hours. Or something like that. Actually, I'm not really sure what this part of the site is going to do. If you have any suggestions or would like to be a member, please sign my guestbook saying so. Thanks in part to Erin for this idea.

EASILY AMUSED PERSON OF THE MOMENT: Alex. She talked to an away message for hours. and enjoyed every minute of it. that takes a very simple mind. EASILY AMUSED ACTIVITY OF THE MOMENT: Play with your belly fat. And don't say that you don't have any, because I know you do. And don't think it a bad thing. It is hours of amusment, forever available, because it's bloody hard to get rid of. Try different activities. Like making it talk, making it into a butt, feeding it cheese....the possibilities are endless.

Oh yeah, and the mascot is the pig with the cow shoes on because I said so and its cool.


Amusing sites

Virtual bubble wrap. Hours of entertainment!
And of course,