Psych Ward Humor

Okay, so for those who have been there, you will truly appreciate this!

1.) There was a very gaseous little old lady. She farted every 10 minutes. One night one of the guys made a comment about how he hadn't heard the geese in a little while. She never got it. But we were cracking up.

2.) I named that same lady "Carrie" because she insisted on saying it all the time for no reason.

3.) There was a guy there who paced all the time.

4.) The pacing guy picked the locks on all the cupboards in the activity room...there were saws in there. They didn't watch the camera, so they never saw them.

5.) That same guy made a mushroom guy outta clay and snuck behind the nurses desk and kept moving it around all day...they never said a word.

6.) That little old lady snored through a stupid medication movie that they made us watch, and coughted through this time when we were supposed to meditate.

7.) This old guy with no teeth told me, like, 5 times he liked my toe nail polish.

8.) The toothless guy would yell "WHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!" really loud and start singing the marine core song.

9.) They never tell you the rules until after you break them...found that out more than once!!

10.) One of the nurses was even picking on that annoying old lady when she had highwaters on.

11.) My friend felt really bad cos there was nothing to do there.