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About Me



Creative Shit




See that? That's my Benabear. Go to my people section to learn more about him. Click on the "Gorky" link to the left to learn more about his band and hear him in action. He's the drummer in case you are too blonde to guess that by the drumstick in his hand. Click in the people section to learn more about keyboardist, Savannah.

For the first time that I can remember, I'm truly happy and we have him to thank for it. Has to be an angel to achieve something as impossible as my bliss. Even though our relationship was/is very Romeo and Juliet, I love him very much.

PS. He has also sparked idea for my new philosophy on love section under venting.

PMS. Are there any other guys out there this perfect and sweet? He is sacrificing so much just to make sure I'm comfortable and content. He sings to me, cooks me breakfast, calls just to say he loves me.....not to be conceited, but DAMN I'm lucky! *points and laughs at the pathetic saps with worthless slums*


Just as a sidenote the only reason my picture is bigger than his is due to the fact that it was blurry when it was any smaller.

As you can see, a lot has changed. Several new sections added, new pieces written. Pretty much everything updated. As always, don't forget to leave feedback in the guestbook. Enjoey! **Love ya Bobbie!**

This site is slowly expanding. Beware, everything is very random. Content ranges from opinion pieces to stuff you probably couldn't give 2 shits less then a fuck about. Regardless, have a looksie around.

I was considering expanding this site into a gay/Wiccan support site. If anyone would be interested in helping me get that together, drop me a note.

Anyone that cares to comment, ask advice (I am a sex advisor), or just chat, feel free to drop me an email at

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