
Angry Vengeful Bitch

I fucking hate you. You worthless waste of a human being.I can't stand your voice; everything that comes out is a lie. What the fuck did I do to you? Please tell me so I'll never do it again because to me I didn't do a god damn thing to spark this sudden insensitive little prick attitude of yours. Oh, wait, I loved and cared for you that's what I did. I forgot how much of a dick you can be to those people. That's why nobody wants to date you and it's why all your ex's left you. Kat had a reason to fuck you over: You're not worth anything. You think that you're smart but you're actually the biggest shithead I know. It's really fucking hard to screw up a relationship with me. All I asked for was for your love and trust and you couldn't even pull that shit off. It takes a whole lot for me to break up with someone. I can't believe you. You wanted Lyla - fucking have her - you should have just broken up with me. Oh, no sorry Lyla doesn't want you lying, worthless, disgusting, pathetic ass. No one does. So go cry about something besides your sister. Oh boo-hoo your sister is a terrible bipolar person My life is so hard. Jenny couldn't understand. Fuck you, your sister, and your computer. I have and had to love with 2 unstable brothers, a demented father, and a pill addicted mother. How the fuck could I possible understand?! Oh and FUCK you for trying to fuck me the other day. How dare you get all love with me just to get into my pants. You know damn well what happened the first time I had sex and you still had the fucking nerve to do that shit to me. You know how much that hurt me?! Yeah you probably do and you just don't fucking care. You never did. You made me feel SO worthless and whenever I came close to leaving you you'd become the person I fell in love with. I was dangling from a string for 10 whole months. You know I don't even care if my brother thinks that I have no reason to hate you. He wasn't there throughout our relationship. All the shit that made me cry. All the lies you said to me. He wasn't there, no one ones. Not even you. YOU! You should have been there but were too busy playing your god damn computer games or fucking your own hand. There just wasn't any room for me in your life. Aw I broke a promise back in November. One. One god damn promise that I tried my damn hardest to make up for. You. You breathed lies, spat them out. Everything. EVERYTHING was a fucking lie. And you feel no regret. I want to stab you so fucking bad but you have no fucking emotion it wouldn't phase you at all. Poeople say I'm not over you. Ha@ I'm so fucking over you. I'm NOT, however, over what you did to me and I will make you pay for lying you son of a bitch. I will make you wish that your abject body was rotting in the deepest darkest most forgotten pit of hell. Oh just wait. I will get my revenge....

(Background picture is from