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Midnight Sun's FanArt Gallery

These are a little of my collection of fanart that i do. they're not very good compared to some of the people on the internet. (not good at ALL!!!) but i like to do them anyway. I'm horrible at coloring on adobe photoshop so don't complain. and oh yeah, please don't take these and put them on your site without giving credit to me. but you can use them (if you want...but why would you want to?) so that's it. oh, and i might put art from my friends on the site too. soon.

I liked this pic when I first drew it a year ago, but now i don't like it. more a little towards hate. haha. it just looks akward. even when colored. Then i had just read the like 6th or 7th DN Angel and was really into it. and Daisuke as we all know is the shit. Dark is cool and everything but Daisuke is the reason that he's there. now c'mon people. don't hate daisuke.
This was my first time drawing DiGi Charat and I think i did ok. I really drew this late at night instead of doing my science homework. that's how all my good pieces are created. lol. I don't hate this one, but i don't think it's my best work. it's good. to me.
I drew this one over the summer. The 2nd colored one was going to be the finished product but then again i like the one with the white background better. This is dark from DN Angel. he's very hot. i think i like the way i did his hair the best.
There's no colored picture for this one. editing it was too hard. the lines were too thin. I liked it at the time, but now i find a lot of errors in it. Tohru's eyes are too far apart and are too pointy. Yuki looks ok, but Kyo's hair is all worng. oh, if you coundn't guess by now this is a fruits basket fanart of kyo, tohru, and yuki. it's a big picture in real life and that's why it's cut off at the bottom.
this one I drew in my brother's appartment in seattle last summer. i remember it was hot because he didn't have a/c. (well it is seattle) and i was waiting for something, when i showed him he said that harry looked like a punk. and so that's what i named it. harry punk. it's not very good now, i like herimone's socks. and harry's sassy attitude.
now this one i really like. i did it for a free draw in studio art 1 last year. i kinda copied it from a angelic layer chapter picture but oh well! it's a little different from the original in the book. i don't know what happened to the rest of her body when i scaned it. i'll find it later.
ahhh this one is ok. more like ok/good. kinda boring though. iris and anna asked me to draw inu yasha when they first saw it. seen one inu yasha picutre, seen them all. i think i colored this at one time but then deleted it later on.
i drew this like two summers ago. i really don't like kagome in this one. the only reason i have it on the site is because i do like how i did inu yasha. tee hee. and oh yeah, he's not hanging from a tree. if you look his feet are pressing against eachother. don't ask me how he's floating, but he is.
this is an other one that i really like, for once. again, i drew this for a free draw in my studio art 1 class. it's kira from mars. very good manga. very good. i kinda copied this one too. (hahaha) it's from the 2nd volume cover. i just changed her hair .
ok, this has got to be the best picture i have ever even thought of. i drew it on the airplane.'s so life-like. max, what the picture is named, was my dog before i moved to virginia. i had to give him away and then 6 months later he died. i was so sad. i can't even begin to tell you. he will always be the best dog i ever knew. (those at stink lines. if you asked....)
now this picture i really really like. it has got to be one of my best. i drew it on the road trip to and from orlando with my mom. everything in this pciture is from my head. everything. i useally have to look at something for an idea for a costume or hands, but this was all me. it's a mermaid, no one in particular.
i drew this one a little less then a year ago. it's a long story about the white ribbon. it has to do with alex and DN Anegl... and such. this is me and amiboshi :). it's an ok picutre now. the inking is really bad. i had bad pens back then. but amiboshi looks confused. he doesn't know where he is. :( i just like how i did my hair. my nose is too big. but maybe not because i don't like my nose in real life....there is a black background and a white background.
sion. the sionater. sionters. sion's from the bouncer. (t-t-t-the bouncer!!) which is like a hour long game, kinda good, kinda short. was it me or did the guy with tattoos sound like the dub tamahome?? this pic is good, his arms are too long. and he has chicken legs.
drew this last summer. back then it was like the greatest picture for me. alex colored it, that's why it's so good. she kicks ass in adobe. again with the DN Angel. this time satoshi is in the picture. all the fangirls wanna scream. there's like, no pictures of him alone.
yet another art class homework. draw a picture in black and white a cut it in half and invert colors. the girl is Shia from Pita-ten (manga coming out in January with fruits basket this winter!) this is one of the more creative drawings that I've done. i should do more.
now i like this one. i want to draw these eyes all the time. but what i really like is the hair. i wish may hair was like that. all cool, short, and spicky. this is just some random girl. she was kinda from this artbook that alex has snow white? i don't know but the art is so cool.
this was a project for mythogly. i drew the picture while my partner, chris, wrote a short report. it's based on the love story of pygmalion (i don't know how the hell you spell it) and he makes this statue blah blah blah he's a freak and falls in love with it blah blah blah it becomes real and he marries it. or something.
how do you say?....ah yes, another art free draw. Jin, Oto, and Lady from Milk Crown (one of the best damn mangas around!) Jin is so hot aahhh.... i like lady but oto's eyes are way WAY too far part. and it looks like one is looking one way and the other is looking another. ew. lol. jin is ok, he looks bigger than oto.
this is my latest and greatest picture up to date. It's Li from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles (it is SUCH a kickass manga. characters from famous clamp mangas come into one great story. it is much more enjoiable if you have read some other clamp works before.) again i worked on this instead of homework. i still have yet to color it. sakura is a lucky girl! :D he's suppost to be making a fist but it looks like something stinks.

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