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Some pictures of a few bands...

Theres pictures here of some bands,or some I just find amusing...

Anti Avril Pictures

I dunno why making fun of her is so fun...but these pictures make me laugh...ha-ha..

Deadstar Assembly Pics

I love this band,so I'm putting a few pictures of them on here...

This is the whole band,the guy all the way on the left was replaced though...from the left, they are:Jay[I think thats his name???ex guitarist],Dearborn[vocals],Mubo[synthesizer],The Dro[bass],and Cygnus[drums]

This is the Dro with Dearborn.

This is the current guitarist,Dreggs.


Dro getting a tattoo.

Dearborn in a parking lot...

The group as a cartoon


The offspring...Noodles(guitar), Ron(drums), Dexter(vocals/guitar), and Greg K(bass).

Ron Welty....ex drummer for the offpsring.

KiTTie-before they started to suck...Mercedes(drums), Fallon(guitar), Morgan(vocals), and Talena(bass)

Ducky, Paul, and Snee of Stick Figure Suicide, Warped tour 02.

All Thats Left, Andrew(guitarist), Tom(drums), Joey(guitarist/vocals), and Steve(bass).

Thats about it,I might add more later...