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A Few of My Songs and Poems

Broken [this is a new one, wrote it reeeeeally early in the morning,and its about some shit i was thinking about]

Its getting harder to breathe
Its all caving in on me
Leving me so distant
A shattered memory
Will no one ever know
Or catch a glimpse of the me
That I thought I was
But that was so long ago
It's all changed
But I remain
Just a shadow

And I guess a part of me
Will always be
Just another out of place
Shattered face
Stuck on the wall
To be forgotten

But will I ever be
The same way again
It turned around on me
And I had no warning then
Will there ever be anyone there
To know what its like to be
And locked away inside yourself
when nobody seemed to care
It hurts to remember
But painful to forget
Look back
Now its me running away from it all

And I guess a part of me
Will always be
Just another out of place
Shattered face
Stuck on the wall
To be forgotten

And Im nothing now
Just a fading face in a mirror
And theres nothing
That will make the reflection clearer
Get away from it all
Cant trust anyone else
I keep running in place
Away from myself

And I guess a part of me
Will always be
Just another out of place
Shattered face
Stuck on the wall
To be forgotten

And I guess a part of me
Will always be
Just another out of place
Shattered face
Stuck on the wall
To be forgotten
And I >can't stand to be broken anymore

Elliott Won The War [I wanted to call a CD,if i ever got there, Elliott won the war, and i wrote this song, because I dunno why? But it's about one kid bringing the destruction of the whole world]

Elliott Won the war
He can live for another day
Destruction and chaos lying ahead
Genocide of every race
His bullet triggered
This final demise
Killing worthless mortals
Leading worthless lives
The entire world collapsing
Because of thie 9 year old kid
Savior sent by the devil
To outdo what he did

Elliott won the war
the only one alive today
Death and destruction all around him
It would've happened anyway
Buildings burnt to ashes
The black sky falling near
The smile upon his face
His laughter's all you hear
Corpses lie in rotting piles
He can't undo what he's done
Don't look back, the world is dead
But there's and Elliott in everyone

Prancer [about a guy I know...hehehe]

Rainbow laces
But they arent tied straight
Did you notice his gang?
He went out with a girl?
But I thought he was gay?
Held hands with another guy
They skipped down the hallway
White with an afro
Always forward,never straight
Thats the only way for him to go

Green suspenders,pink shirt
Look at him what do you see?
Hes just a fag
At least thats all he was to me

Cant talk to girls
Or look them in the eye
He says he straight
But isnt that a lie?
Do straight guys skip?
Or act gay with their friends?
He had one before
But he'll never get another girlfriend

Casualty [About conformists in denial, and people who want to be "different" but they're all really the same]

Ive been here so long
force myself to run away
Keeping me blind
Saving me from the world of chaotic democracy
In this time of crisis,all I can say
Is fuck this
Falling back in
Keeping me safe
Back in the dark hole that is my world

Conformity is an understatement these days
Everyones stuck in a world of
So called originality

Trying to be different
But they all look the same to me
Trying so hard not to be normal
They fall in the label anyway
Wanting badly to be out but theyre In
And it kills them to see
That their efforts are useless
Sit,stare,follow, its a funny game to me
Cuz in the end theyre all the same
Nothing they want be


[-This is a song about my ex boyfriend,right after i dumped him he did some shit,so i got pissed and wrote this]

Get out of my fucking face
It's not my problem you're a dick
Take it all out on me
Pathetic and sick
Fucking coward,won't even look me in the eye
Go ahead,get your friends to tell me off you fag
Keep telling me you'll commit suicide
It's not real,I did feel bad
Thats not true anymore
I may give you another chance
But I'll never be your whore
You had no fucking clue
What was going on with me
You blame your life on me
I was always alone,verging on insanity
But did you see me at all?
You are nothing to me
You want me to feel guilty?
I wish you could know how I feel
But you dont
So fuck off
Id kill to put you in your grave
Bury you alive
Hear you scream
Watch you die


[-This song I wrote in a fit of confusion...]

Verse 1:

Shadowy proof,not apparent at first
Seeing your face,knowing I have it worse
Sinking as low as you are
Its not that far of a trip for me
Burned the meories but cried over the ashes
Want it back,letting go,thinking back in the past
But now youre gone
And you dont even know

Verse 2:
If I knew how I felt,Id try to explain
Open fires burning with your name
Caught up now,in the truth or a lie?
Doesnt matter anymore,you want me to die

Try to believe me
And try to understand
I dont know what for,but Im sorry
Keeping me in confused
Either way it's a dead end
So I Trace the X's over my skin
And bleed out what I thought I knew

Verse 3:
Crazy feelings burning my mind
Keeping me awake,and youre too hard to find
Is it that easy for you to forget?
Is all this pain really just regret?
Was what I thought wrong?
Ive waited too long...
So this is it for me?
This misery...


My ears ring from hearing you
My eyes burn from seeing you
I cry looking at the scar
But it's you that ripped it apart
Forget it all...



[-and this is a song about a girl I know...shes insane...really...]

Jealous of the world
You cant fight everyone
Trapped as a little girl
Sick and you wanted it all
Poor little rich girl,tell your lies
Fake being a new person when you lose
Everyone knows why you hide
You'll never find out who you are...

Caught up in a lie
You still dont see why youll lose every time
Can you really be yourself?
Instead of trying to take over as someone else?
Or is it just too hard?

Chloe today but Emily tomorow
Arent you sick of being me yet?
Having a friendship based on sorrow
No one elses sees through your mask
Can you think for yourself?
Could you live as yourself?
Do you know who you are?
Are you that ashamed?
But I can't blame you

Caught up in a lie
You still dont see why youll lose every time
Can you really be yourself?
Instead of trying to take over someone else?
Or is it just too hard?

Cant you find someone else to be?
Instead of trying to be just like me?
If you killed yourself...who would be dying?
If you arent you...and your sick of trying
Lying to the world,caught up in yourself
Trying living your life as someone else...

Caught up in a lie
You still dont see why youre still losing this time
Can you really be yourself?
Instead of trying to take over someone else?
You cant...its just too hard

These are 2 of my poems,kinda dark,sort of edgy,but I like them...


Hiding in my black clothes
Looking through the strands of my hair
I see you look, I know you know
You disregard the fact that I'm there
I stand back and watch the world
The people in it just stop and stare
I'm not what you think,a lost little girl
Every jugdement passed makes a tear
Emotions awaken,I want to be heard
I can share it if I dare
Misconcepting my thoughts and words
They'll never get it, but should I care?
They'll never know who I really am
If they can't even see what's there


How does it feel to be alive?
What's it like being happy in life?
Is it nice not having to hide?
I want to leave my mask behind
Full of emotions,I scream inside
You won't believe me,I already tried
Alone in a crowd, a singled out face
Decieved, betrayed, stranded in this place
Long for a way out, try to break free
Trapped in this place, where I'll always be
Never knowing where I am, not seeing the light
Watch the collapsing entrance, defeat the losing fight
Fade into the world of color, the only dark peice
Hear the echoing cries, which never seem to cease
Out of the dark, escaped, but bound again
Disappearing into the blank sky, with no trace of my own end

MorE To CoMe!

