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My Thoughts on Some Subjects

Now I'm going to share my thoughts on some shit,people,or it or not.And if you don't like it then fuck it,opinions are like assholes,everyone's got one.Get used to it

The Band Twisted Apologies

Who would've known that they were gonna fall one way or another huh?Just another act in "Amani"'s play...While using only 2 real memebers and making up the other 2,they all "aren't friends" anymore...this makes me laugh...Why you ask?Well how can you be friends with people who don't exist?I can even PROVE they don't exist...The guy "Jason Miller",none other than the other self proclaimed guitarist's own creations out of her so called book...his friends such as Kyle and Jay Gordon,more creations from that sick little mind of hers,just figments of her imagination made to play instruments in her hopeless 2 member bend...and her songs are another issure all together...see this rediculous line:

"snap crackle pop pop fizz fizz oh what a pain this is i miss you like a rice krispie treat i sort of remember the day we had to meet unbelieveable,it's a miracle beating you up with a blow up testicle"

A 2 year old crack baby with a pack of 24 crayons shoved up their nose couldv'e written better...

The New Age Bubble Gum "Punk Rawk" Scene

NExt order of buisness...all these "Punk rocker Kids" you see hanging around your local aeropastle nowadays...Not to call them posers(since everyone is...mroe on that next) but they're doing it for the attention and because it's the latest trend: Buy an Avril album,a good charlotte album,a simple plan album,get a labatomy and a few cheap fake spiked wristbands,and WHAM you are a punk"...NOT, these people should know better by now,I mean being intimidated by the people who know what True Punk Rock music is,and havent bought into the label.Not to call myself punk,but some of these people I even KNOW try to steal even my own ideas and one even said "I wanna belike you Emily,I wanna be a punk rocker!"...annoying? yes, retarded? Definetly,but hey,they're the ones looking like an ass in the end not me right?


My smart ass friend once told me that everyone is a poser wether you you want to be or not...and ya know what? Sh'e completely right.No matter what you're doing,wearing,saying,anything;It's been done,and someone else is doing it too,therefore as original as some people think they are...theyre WRONG! HA! Anyways,since we're all posers,there are different kinds of posers...vulture posers for instance;who dig through the remains of what their friends like or liked to try to pass it off as cool and their own...I happen to know lots of these people...well I don't have much else to say about that right now,but if I feel like it,I'll add more later...

Self Centered People

Last discussion...Self centered people.The world is full of them,and while the whole human race seems to suck anyway,these kinds of people tend to be the most irritating.People who never stop to say something like "what's up with you?" or "so what are you doing",but cintinue with "yeah me an my boyfriend went to the movies on saturday,he's coming over tomorow and bringing his friend.But he never returns my calls,hes so cute,I love him"...LA DEE FUCKING DA! Get married,and shut up...or people who always say things like this,"I'm never going to get another boyfriend.Guys hate me,i mean im going to be lonely forever,and i want all 4 of my ex boyfriends but they dont want me,and im so sad.I want to kill myself"...GET A FUCKING LIFE...theres more to living then dating,damn shut the hell up!But the most annoying are the so called "suicidal" people...they always go from tlaking about themselves(naturally) to tlaking about dying example,"Im bored...theres nothing to do,Im so sad,I want to die.I want to kill myself,I should've hung myself when I had the chance.I hate myself,im so ugly and fat and i hate myself.Im going to commit suicide,bye"...IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO DIE,YOU'D BE FUCKING DEAD!The point that they obviously missed while trying to cut their wrists with a sharpened buter knife...Suicide is nothing to fuck around about either,and people like that should be shot and put out of their so called "misery" so then they would have to shut up and stop complaining about how much they wanted to commit suicide...

The Lamest Trends

Ok, these are a few of the trends I find just plain stupid:

#1...Wearing pajamas in public
I was in the car, coming home from the store, and I saw a whole group of people huddled around a cell phone giggling. And they looked even more retarded with what they were wearing: MAtching monkey pajama pants and a cheerleading tee shirt...I mean its one thing if its midnight and your making an emergency trip or something, but standing around in a group of your friends wearing pajamas and thinking its cool is fucking retarded!Not to mention it makes you look like your dirty and havent showered in a while...

#2...White guys wearing doo rags (or however you spell it)
White guys trying to be black, it sickens one's stomach, honestly you think they'd have enough sense to look at the REAL color of their arms every now and then. Im not a racist, but its even worse when they take the black people's gang style of those dirty ugly pointlessly gay rags on their heads.Its only funny if its just maybe one,then when yousee this gang of white guys with their rap blaring and their black guy wannabe clothes on...why not just face the facts..they are white.

#3...Being the "anti-conformist"
You know the shirts that say "you laugh at me because im different but i laugh at you because you're all the same"?People alllll over the place wear those,trying to be the "anti-conformist".There's an entire group of people wearing the same shirt that has a message agaist people beign the same...OHMAHGAWD THAT IZ LYKE SEW KEWL! NOT. If they really did want to be an "anti-conformist" they would make their own clothes, or wear nothing but black robes tied together with pink and purple lizard shaped belts. (I hope I didnt just inspire a trend..hehehe i make myself laugh)

I can't add the word music next to the word just doesnt fit.Rap= a bunch of guys/girls who sound like guys who've been shot running around like assholes talkng to a beat. GEE THAT'S PURE TALENT THERE! I MEAN IF YOU GAVE ANYONE A BEAT TO TALK TO IM SURE THEY WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT! note the heavy sarcasam The truth is, they are all talking about how cool they are,how much money they get,how many guys/girls they get,or how much better they are than the average person...their type of entertainment,not music, cant relate to anyone, and they all have the basic sound of the mating calls of primates.

#5...Good charlotte
I could go on forever about why they suck. They whine constantly about their dad, one minute its "oh i wish my daddy were here" the next its "oh i hate my daddy!" Their look is a lot harder than their music, and I doubt they possess enough talent in songwriting to out-do the blues clues soundtrack. They think they're punk....nope,not a chance. Punk's not dead, but it sure as hell isn't alive and kicking...especially not in these fucking pricks.And notice their song "the anthem"...they talk about how they dont wanna be like anyone else,but basically EVERYONE listens to good charlotte, making all of them THE SAME tied together by the common bond that they have shit for brains and shit for music taste.They are the single most overplayed, highly rotated, biggest sell out band on MTV. Not saying MTV is great though...

MTV is supposed to mean music television, am i wrong? Well, the only time there is actually music on there is about 2-5 AM, when they show the videos that arent good enough to make it to TRL...and TRL is more about showing off the sellouts and helping along the bands who wish to be sellouts. The only thing on there that I actually see worth watching is the osbournes...i think its funny as hell. Anywhoo, the only thing on there is dating shows. When will they get that 1 ho+ 1 guy does not= romance or entertainment...they just need to shut MTV down...BOYCOTT MTV!

Well,that's about all I can type for now,but I'll add more when/if I can...Email me with suggestions,ideas,or just to plainly say my opinions suck...

