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See this guy

Sittin over there

Hey yeah you there

Sittin in that chair

Look at you wit your

White toquce and flashy pants

Man do you really think that I'm that dense?

I know that you like me

Well news flash buddy, I like you too

But people bugged us to much

And I wanted to cry

Cry tears of depression and hate

I felt so bad you can't even relate

When I frist saw you

I knew you were kool

But still I sit here in disppare

Dude I think I'm losing my hair!!!

But do I dare

Fuck life's not fair

Yeah so I like Tyler

I ain't no lier

But I like you too

God I'm so confussed

But it don't matter no more

Cuz you closed the door

Now we'll just be friends

Friends till the end

Now if Ty would only ask me out

Trust me, I'll never shut you out

There ain't no dout

That you're one of my best friends

You're my friend from begining to end

So I'd just liek to say

That I'm happy that I met you on that day

So BLAH to you and grab a spoon

Hey what can i say, I know i'm a loone!!!!