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As I cut myself

I watch my blood

Pour from my vains

I watch my life wast away

The red drips,

Drip by drip it covers my skin

The deeper I go,

The less i feel my pain,

The less I feel my pain

The happier I become.

As I sit in a red pool

I close my eyes and smile

I'm happy again.

I slip into entural darkness

As the dark engolfs me,

I think to myself:

How happy I can be

Not to be here on the earth,

But somewhere other then here.

I see black

I see dark


Red floods my eyes

As I look around and wonder

I sit and pounder

The thought of where:

Where do I belong?

Where do I go from here?

Where oh where?

Who will care

Who will dare

Dare to help me up

From the cold red staind floor

I don't want to fall no more

I want to be able to open the door

And not get it slammed in my face

I don't want the angels to fall from grace

Wanting to be free

This is my cry for help

Please don't shut me out

I love you

I need you

Like you need you

Please don't leave me
