Forever by Ametenshi~Chapter One

Selphie sat on the couch in David and herself's small apartment, nervously trying to tell him something. "Selphie, what is it?" he asked her. "I'm..I'm...pregnant......" Selphie said, looking down, knowing he would probably be angry. "What!? How the HELL can you be pregnant! I thought you were taking the pills!" David yelled at Selphie, who started to cry. David walked out, no goodbyes or anything. Gone. Forever. *END FLASHBACK* The petite brunette took drink orders at the bar she worked in, in Deling City. People came in and out. No one she knew had ever come in. Well, she knew the regulars, but that was it. No one from the Second Sorceress War. She missed everyone so much! She hadn't seen them in three years. She'd been too busy with her daughter, Andria, to even try to find where they lived. Finally she thought to herself. It's almost time to close. Just another half-hour! Suddenly, a familiar face came in. He was wearing a cowboy-ish outfit, and had long, auburn hair. Irvine! Selphie thought happily, as he came to the bar and took a seat, ordering a beer. Selphie giggled. "Can I have an ID, Irvine?" She asked, knowing he had just probably turned 21. "Selphie!? Is that really YOU?" a shocked Irvine asked, handing her his ID. "Tee-Hee! Yep, it is really me!!" she replied to him, lips curled up in a smile. "Wow, look so different!" Irvine said, staring at her. Irvine and Selphie talked for the rest of the time she had to work. It turned out that Irvine was just going on a road trip by himself to everywhere, since he didn't want to be a SeeD, even though Squall offered it. He'd already been everywhere he was going to go, with the Sorceress War and all, but he told Selphie that he wanted to see it without having to use a gun to get there. Selphie told Irvine that since it was late, he could stay at her apartment in the spare bedroom (which would soon be her daughter's room, but he could stay there for now) He accepted. "Sure, Sef. I'll stay! I mean, we haven't seen eachother for 3 years now. It's about time we got some time together!" "Yeah" Selphie nodded. "I just have to pick up Andria" "Who's Andria?" Irvine asked curiously. "Oh, she's my daughter. I'll tell you a little more later on, okay?" "Sure Sefy." the cowboy said to her as they walked out of the bar and over to where Irvine's rental-car was parked. Irvine opened the door for Selphie as she got in, then he shut it, walking over to the driver's side and getting in before putting on his seatbelt. "I usually take the bus since it goes everywhere in Deling" Selphie said, not really used to being in a car. "I mostly walk to places, since Balamb is small. I moved there about a year and a half ago. I just rented this car for my trip. And I've taken the train" Irvine explained to Selphie, who, excitedly said "The train!? Oooh I love the train! Tee-Hee!" "I know you do, Sefy. Now what way do I go to get to where your daughter is?" Selphie came out of the little brick building, where the daycare was, carrying sleeping little girl with short brown hair and in pink pajamas. Irvine got out of the car to open up the door to the backseat for Selphie. "Thank you" Selphie said as she got into the car holding her daughter. "I'm gonna sit in the back with Andria, ok Irvy?" Irvine nodded, and asked her the way back to her apartment building. "Well, first you gotta take a right here. Then turn left at the light. Then just keep going straight and then it is on the left side." Selphie explained as Irvine drove. When he found a parking spot, he opened the door for Selphie and helped her out, shutting the door again. "Thanks for the ride" Selphie said as they walked up the stairs in the tall building. "Here we are. Apartment number 12A" Selphie told Irvine as she fiddled with the keys to find the right one, then unlocking the door. "I've just got to put Andria in her crib and get my P.J.'s on. I'll be out in a minute" She quietly said as she walked into her bedroom, where Andria's crib was. She put the sleeping two year old into her crib, then changed out of her yellow dress into some velvet like pajamas that were blue with some clouds on them. When she came out she found Irvine looking at photographs in frames on one of the shelves. "You kept these pictures?" Irvine asked surprised as Selphie came into the room. "Yeah! I would never throw them away!" Selphie told him as she picked up one with the whole 'Orphanage Gang' together. "I miss everyone, Irvy" she said as she put it back down. "Do you ever see them anymore?" Selphie asked, as Irvine told her "Well, I see Zell. He is going out with the Library girl. He finally talked to her. Her name is Nicole. She's actually really annoying. I guess that makes them a good match." Selphie giggled. "Zell isn't THAT annoying" "Well, no, but he can be. Anyways, Squall and Rinoa are engaged. We've all been trying to find you. They really want to invite you to their wedding. I'm gonna have to tell them you live here now when I get back." Irvine said as an excited Selphie bounced up and down on the couch "Squall asked Rinoa to marry him?! Squall!? Is this the same Squall I know?!" "Yep, the one and only, Sefy. He's changed a lot though. Well anyways. Tell me about whats happening with you. You said you were going to tell me about your daughter." "Oh..yeah..." Selphie said, looking a bit sad that he remembered. "Sefy, if you don't wanna talk about it I'll understand.." Irvine told her, wondering if he did something wrong. He never realized it until now, but he loved Selphie more than anything. "Thats O.K. Irvy, I'll tell you." Selphie said as she began to explain everything to Irvine. Halfway through she started to cry. Irvine let her cry on his shoulder, and through muffled sobs she told him the rest "I'm so stupid....I should have never even looked at him..." she said, still crying. "Sef, your not stupid. Don't say that. Who's the one who got us out of the missle base alive with her computer talents? Who's the pretty little brunette who helped win the Second Sorceress War? I know who. Maybe you don't see it in yourself, but I see it in you." Irvine told Selphie who smiled as she looked at him "Did you really mean what you just said? The last part?" "I meant every word, Sefy" Irvine told her as he wiped away the tears on her face. Selphie smiled, closing her green eyes and bringing her dace into his, into a deep and passionate kiss. Their kiss was interrupted after what only seemed like a second by Andria calling "Muma! Mummmmmy!" from inside her bedroom, stating that she had woken up. "I'll be back in a minute"Selphie told Irvine as she got up off the couch and went into her bedroom to get Andria, who ran straight into the living room. Andria was not a shy little girl. She ran straight over to Irvine and hugged his leg. "Hewwo" she chanted as she looked at the cowboy. "Hi there to you, Andria" Irvine said as he placed his hat on top of her little head. Andria giggled and took it off, placing it on his lap. "Your hat" the little girl told him, pointing. "That's what scares me" Selphie said as she sat next to Irvine on the couch. "She's such a social butterfly that I'm afraid she might just run up to someone in the park and they might take her. I watch her the best I could, but sometimes I feel like its not enough." "Sef, don't worry. She wouldn't run away from someone as nice as you" he said as Andria crawled onto the couch inbetween them. "Mummy I'm hungwy" "Alright sweetie, I'll go get you some juice and a cookie, kay?" Selphie said before she got up. "Can you just keep an eye on her, make sure she doesen't get into anything?" she asked Irvine, who nodded. Andria scrambled off of the couch and over to a corner of the room with a toy box and a little plastic doll crib for her dolls. Irvine got off of the couch and followed, sitting on the floor near Andria, who handed him a doll. "Baby" she said as she looked through the toy chest for something. Wow. Selphie's daughter is really somethin' Irvine thought to himself as Selphie walked back in, finding them in the toy corner. "Whatcha' doin?" she asked sitting on the floor between Irvine and Andria. Andria turned around to her mother who handed her the juice and cookie. "Playing with dolls" Irvine told Selphie who giggled. "You couldn't resist them, could ya' Irvy?" "Nope" he said as he put the doll to the side. After about 20 minutes, Selphie could tell Andria was getting tired and put her back to bed. When she finally got Andria to sleep, she came back into the living room. "Sorry about that. If she wakes up in the middle of the night and sees a light on, she want s to come out and play. I let her or she will scream the whole night." "Thats okay, Selph" the cowboy assured her. Selphie's lips curled up into a smile. "She really likes you. Even though she's not shy she usually isn't that friendly" "What did ya' expect? All the ladies gotta love me." Irvine joked. "You were just as friendly as her when you were little, Sef." Selphie punched him in the arm. "Was I? Well, I'm getting tierd. Come with me. I'll show you where you're gonna sleep, kay?" Selphie told the cowboy as she got up from the couch. "Sure" Irvine said as he got up and put his hat back on. Selphie brought him into a small pink room with a twin-sized bed that had pink sheets and pillows on it. "This is going to be Andria's room. I did it when I found out my baby was going to be a girl." Selphie explained to Irvine, who nodded "She's gonna love it. I wish that I had a mother like you when I was little. I mean, Matron was cool but she didn't get to spend that much time with us or anything. Do you remember much? Well, nevermind. We can talk about it in the morning. I know your tierd." Irvine told Selphie as he kissed her on the cheek goodnight. "Night, Irvy" Selphie said as she walked over to her room. Selphie went to bed happy that night. Probably the happiest she'd been since the night she'd had Andria. She was thinking about Irvine. About how kind he was to her. She knew he was the ladies' man, well, used to be. He didn't even glance at any of the girls in the bar that night. Selphie was in love, with Irvine. She fell asleep, hoping he felt the same way. ******************************************************** Irvine took off all of his clothes except for his boxers, and got into the pink bed, thinking about Selphie. He was in love, too. She was so full of emotion. When she was happy, she showed it so much. She was happy most of the time. Thats what he really loved about her. He hated to see her sad, like he did tonight. But, he knew that she'd been holding it in for a long time and was glad that she had at least told someone. Thinking about what she had told him, Irvine thought to himself That David is such an asshole. Leaving someone as great as Selphie because she was having his baby.