The Eighth Fantasy~About Final Fantasy VIII

Welcome to the information section of The Eighth this section, I'm going to tell you a little about Final Fantasy Eight, if you haven't already played the game. The game opens in a fight between Squall Leonheart and Seifer Almasy. Squall gets his face slashed by Seifer, and ends up in the infirmary. After that...Quistis Trepe, his instructor comes and gets him. So anyways, she keeps trying to get him to talk, and you realize that he is a very anti-social person. After that, you have to take an exam to see if you can take the SeeD test. While there, you meet a girl named Selphie Tilmitt. Squall, Zell, and Selphie have to fight off a monster. Anyways you keep having to do a bunch of stuff, and then realize (after meeting several other charachters, one being the incredibly sexy Irvine Kinneas!) that there is a possesed sorceress trying to destroy the world. So they realize it was the woman who took care of them when they were in the orphanage together (except for Rinoa) and then the sorcerres's powers are transferred to Rinoa. Then they all have to fight a sorceress named Ultimecia, and if they win, she dies, and they live happily ever after :D Home