hey, ok, im kinda waiting around now for my next xtina layout, hope it arrives soon cuze im kinda getting bored! just thought id write my blog for today seeing as i havent already, although it probly will be a bit boring cuze i havent anything to talk about! my hiatus hasnt yet started, ill probly be on it on monday night or so, perhaps sunday, i dunno! cuze early on the tuesday im on holiday, ill see! erm, oh cool, i dunno whether u'll find this interesting or not, but 2day @ skool we got to kinda like, make up our own bang, with a song, and like a backing track! our song will be produced and but onto some kind of album which will actually be selling! i largely doubt it'll be sold in any music stores, like HMV! lol, i wish! anywayz, oh i have mail! see ya ppl! hannah xx

ok, ive just read all my past blogs, and they sound so goofy, thats why ive deleted them all and started a whole new entry! i dont suppose i am going on hiatus, not seriously but mabye for a week or so next week when i go off on my holidays! anyway, gotta go! see ya!!