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† Ziggy's ♠ Intrinsic ♠ Verisimilitude ™
Enjoy yourself:

*New: Funny photo of the month!

My Bio Page

*Updated Photo Albums* more to see!

Some of my favorite sayings

A link to my blog *Updated Daily (or nearly)

Led Zeppelin (the official site)

Pictures of my Trebuchet and how I built it. Also, an entire album of different siege engines

A great site to learn about every movie ever made

This is the company that made my guitar

One of my favorite sites for finding guitar tabs

Cool info on throwing things

Videos of Hew Kennedy's Trebuchet (it throws cars

←↓My World and Welcome To It...

About this site: Isn't this elastic text feature really annoying?.

‡ Welcome to my personal webpage. Here you will find odds and ends of things that I like. You might be suprised of what you find...

‡ Latest News (as of March 17): I've been so busy lately with school that I haven't had much time to update anything but at least I had some time to write something here. The spring band trip is coming up and we're going down to Williamsburg for adjudication and then to Busch Gardens. Whoopie! I can't wait

The next picture installment will be the spring band trip. The pictures from Kassie's New Year's Party are still up. Just click Here and the you'll see the link near the bottom. There's also a brand spankin new poll below...

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Main page updated November 21, 2004