[January 02]

Happy New Year to all.

The January issue of Ice Magazine contains a great article on Hank. Written by Alanna Nash, "Hank Williams III Heads Straight To Hell" can be viewed in part

from the Ice Magazine website.

[December 13]

Happy Holidays to everyone. Hank hopes to be back out on the road in late January or early February and guarantees even more Hellbilly fun than the last tour

. JoeBuck, the longtime Bass player for both The Damn Band and Assjack, was recently in a automobile accident. Joe is doing much better at this time, however he

did suffer a broken shoulder, leg, and ankle, along with internal bleeding. Still in rehab, and expecting a full recovery, Joe wished to pass along the following:

"Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts. I'm on the mend and will be TWICE AS STRONG when we hit the road for the next tour. I feel blessed to be

doing what I do. I'm grateful to Shelton for the opportunity to play music for a living. And thanks to all his fans who have 'adopted' me. Without y'all,

there'd be no reason to live. You guys are doing it!"

- JoeBuck

While Joe is on the mend, copies of his "One Man Banned" ep will soon be available along with "Joe Buck Yourself Motherfucker", a live DVD, from his website:


[November 14]

The show in Louisville, KY, last night ended another month long tour of playing almost every night. So the guys are taking a little time off and should be starting up

once again in another month or so. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the latest Hellbilly Experience.

[October 28]

Midwest Excess posted a great interview with Hank by Ellen Gager.

Check it out:


[October 19]

Curb Records has posted to their website that the upcoming new release, tentatively titled, "Straight To Hell" will be in stores Tuesday, February 7th. Distribution

issues (i.e. the "No. 1 CD retailer in the world", refusing to sell the album at their stores) have resulted in the release date being changed a few times, so hopefully,

this time, things have been worked out.

Hank recently had this to say about the release:

"It's two CDs. The first CD's got 13 songs, anything from heartbreak songs to hell-raisin' songs, drinkin' and druggin' songs. You know, just the more, I hate to say

it - outlaw-oriented, if you want to look at it that way. The second CD has one acoustic song, then one 42-minute hidden track that starts with a song we recorded

on a 4-track."

"We recorded it on a D-1600, which is a portable recording machine - definitely not a $100,000 studio. We did it in an old house with regular mikes - real DIY.

That in and of itself is pretty unheard of by major-label standards."

Also, on another note - the November 5th show has been rescheduled from Johnson City, NY to Ithaca, NY and will take place at The Haunt.

[October 16]

Things kicked off last night in Memphis to start the current tour and debut the newest addition to Assjack - guitarist Chris Arp, from Psyopus. Chris will be taking

over lead guitar duties throughout this tour and and is sure to amaze everyone with his shredding style. The rest of the line-up this time out includes, once again:

JoeBuck - Standup Bass/Electric Bass

Andy Gibson - Steel guitar/Dobro

Adam McOwen - Fiddle

Munash Sami - Drums

Gary Lindsey - Assjack/Hellbilly sets - vocals/co-vocals

[September 27]

Several confirmed tour dates, starting Oct. 15 have been posted to the Tour section. Additions will be made as more dates are confirmed. Supporting all dates will

be The Laney Strickland Band.

[August 25]

We regret that the music section had to be removed due to reasons beyond Hank's control. Hopefully the situation will work out and we can continue to endorse

linking to the live recordings.

[August 01]

"Kicking Ass" - is the best way to describe how the latest tour is going.

The music section has been updated with some of the newer songs Hank and The Damn Band, along with Assjack are playing. Be sure to check it out, some new

additions are:

Not Everybody Likes Us

Them Pills I Took

Crazed Country Rebel

Rise To Die

Death Comes Ripping

Along with the above, fresh versions of some of the live songs that were already in place have been added as well. Many thanks to the tapers out there for making

the music section possible.

[July 25]

Hank and the guys got the current tour going last night in Austin, Texas. Once again joining Hank on the road this time out will be:

JoeBuck - Standup Bass/Electric Bass

Andy Gibson - Steel guitar/Dobro

Adam McOwen - Fiddle

Munash Sami - Drums

Gary Lindsey - Assjack/Hellbilly set co-vocals

A few more shows in Texas (Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas), and then the Hellbilly bus starts heading west - check the Tour section for more info.

[July 13]

Hank III has confirmed a report by Curb Records that the new album, entitled, "Straight To Hell", will be released soon, with a tentative scheduled release date of

Tuesday, September 13. Call your local record store and request they order it and reserve yourself a copy!

[July 11]

A few confirmed show dates have came about, and have been posted to the Tour section. More dates will be added when they are confirmed.

[June 09]

The artwork for the new album has been submitted and Hank is hoping for a release date sometime in the next 3 months or so - If things go as planned. Upcoming

tour dates are still being worked out but a unforeseen snag looks to have the planned July dates starting as late as mid-July. Things are never easy....

[May 17]

Hank will be taking a much deserved break from the road until the month of July, when things will kick off again for another tour. Tour dates will be posted in the

tour section when confirmed.

[April 27]

There has been a lot of sad news as of late with the passing of several friends, and word came down yesterday of yet another.

Hasil Adkins - The King of Rockabilly, passed while sleeping at his home on April 25. Having been influenced by Hank Williams Sr, Hasil began rocking the

crowds with his innovative one man band style in the early 50's.

"Words could not describe how much Hasil's style have influenced my own career. My heartfelt sympathy go out to his family, friends, and fellow fans. Boone

County has lost a true legend" - Hank