A RESOLUTION to designate May 18, 2000 as "Jett Williams Appreciation Day" in Macon County.

WHEREAS, it is appropriate that this General Assembly should take note of those energetic and civic-minded Tennesseans who employ their time, effort and considerable talent to serve the needs of their fellow citizens; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Jett Williams of Macon County is one such dedicated Tennessean who arranges for and coordinates annual country music concerts to fund scholarships for deserving local high school students; and

WHEREAS, Jett works diligently each year to coordinate the schedules of country music stars and overcome logistical difficulties to place them all in Macon County on a selected concert date; and

WHEREAS, without the revenues generated by these concerts, some deserving Macon County high school students would be unable to receive scholarships to help find their post-secondary education; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Williams' efforts have also provided Macon County residents with a country music concert comparable to those held in "big city" venues at a modest price; and

WHEREAS, Jett Williams uses her determination, drive and winning personality to rally community concert workers, ticket purchasers, program advertisers and corporate sponsors to make each concert a reality; and

WHEREAS, such untiring effort, dedication, and indomitable public spirit should not go unnoticed; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, THE SENATE CONCURRING, That this legislative body joins the citizens of Macon County in designating Thursday, May 18, 2000 as "Jett Williams Appreciation Day" in Macon County.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we thank her for her generous contribution toward higher education for the students of Macon County and wish her every success in the coming years