"Willie Nelson is a national treasure. In light of the joy and consciousness he has brought to American music and this country itself, he should be exempted from paying taxes forever!!!" -Lacy J. Dalton

"When I first met Willie Nelson I thought he was the most original, honest and interpretive artist I had ever heard. Now I know that I underestimated him. Simply put, he is the most important voice in music. My personal favorite, and I love him." -Fred Foster

Willie's one of my heroes. With his scraggly beard and calm wonderful eyes, he reminded me of my father. Willie exudes love. He also shares with Sinatra a gift for incredible vocal rubato. Damn the notion -- sheer idiocy -- that Willie was a "renegade"; just let Willie be Willie. -Jerry Wexler (from Jerry Wexler's memoirs, "Rhythm And The Blues," Knopf, 1993, co- written with David Ritz.)

With hair as long as the generosity and talent as big as the heart, there is also a compassion that appears to be endless. Willie is a giant among men who lives inside a quiet down to earth understanding. -Leon Russell

"Pancho And Lefty" was the only song I ever recorded without knowing it. They woke me up later to play the one take we did. It's now one of my favorite songs." -Merle Haggard

When I first recorded Willie, I thought he was the weirdest dude I ever worked with...and I was right. -Chips Moman

Willie Nelson's impact on American music is indelible. He stands at the crossroads of all the sounds and colors of this country. What he reflects is true soul and sincerity. He's also a pretty mean guitar player. -Carlos Santana

I was fascinated with his style of singing - when we started doing the Highwayman shows ten years ago - I screwed up the band, because I insisted on playing rhythm to Willie's singing. Then I realized, after a couple of songs, that you just can't do that. -Johnny Cash

First, Willie Nelson is a profound, original songwriter in a class with Stephen Foster who continues to enrich our lives with classics (his latest "Waiting Forever" is another). He plays guitar like Django Reinhardt - it's an extension of his body and soul, totally responsive to the power of his imagination. He is an artist of the very highest order, and beautifully - often hilariously - human. His heroic face will be on stamps and money, and it will always represent freedom, heart, and laughter. -Kris Kristofferson

It's been 35 years since our wild Tootsie's Orchid Lounge days. You've always been a hell of a performer and not a bad songwriter! I'm proud to have you as a pal. -Harlan Howard

Blues became the common link joining the music of these two great artists. -Barry Beckett (referring to "They All Went To Mexico" w/ Santana)

To sum up Willie Nelson in three lines is impossible!!! So all I can say is he's the greatest and I love him. -Hank Cochran

I remember letting Willie sit in with my band before he had his own band and was very grateful when he returned the favor years later. From the first time we met, I've always thought Willie was a very nice person. I don't know how he does it, but he's always been the kind of person who would give you the shirt off his back. -Floyd Tillman

Willie has always been a very close friend, quick to pay back anything I've ever done for him. But the only reason I think Willie likes me is because I'm the only guy he can geat in golf. Despite his prowess in golf, over the years I've been able to teach him quite a bit about the art of fishing. -Ray Price

Thanks Willie, for letting me be the first to record "Hello Walls." -Faron Young

Willie Nelson is all by himself - he's an authentic American Master. The genuine article. Don't read this, just listen. -Sydney Pollack

Roger adored Willie Nelson. He always said that Willie flushed to the beat of a different plumber. -Mary Miller

If America only had one voice, it would be Willie's. -Emmylou Harris

I think Willie is great even though he still has never recorded any of my 83 award-winning songs. -Billy Sherrill

Willie Nelson is a modern day Shakespeare who travels around with a band of gypsies. -Mickey Raphael

Willie Nelson and I started out together in Houston, Texas, many years ago, and it is a wonder we are both still around. I have admired Willie's song writing and his personal style for years. He is without a doubt one of the finest country song writers I know. I am very honored that the song we recorded together. "Half A Man," was chosen to be a part of this project. I wish my good friend Willie Nelson continued success. -George Jones

I have admired Willie Nelson as a songwriter and a recording artist for many years. We've toured together many times, but the real thrill came when Willie and I recorded the album, "Brand On My Heart" together. The title song was one I had written and recorded in Canada at the start of my career, and Willie insisted this song be included in the album because he said it was one of his favorites. What a compliment coming from such a great songwriter! It was a pleasure recording with Willie Nelson - the person everyone thinks of as their "best friend." -Hank Snow

Not only is Willie Nelson a Dear Friend, he's also one of the greatest humanitarians I've ever known. It was a pleasure singing "Texas On A Saturday Night" with him. We got it in two takes, then he was gone and "on the road again." -Mel Tillis

I was just an 18 year old kid from Helotes, Texas when Willie hired me, he more or less raised me. I think the most important thing he taught me was that no matter what situation you're in...stay positive. But then again, he raised hogs and look at what happened to them. -Bee Spears

He's got a terrible problem with his golf swing and he's gonna have to live with it the rest of his life 'cause he can't take no instruction. -Grady Martin

The music in this box set is some of the best ever recorded. Willie Nelson's music is timeless and to be a part of this has been a great thrill for me. So sit back and enjoy. -Jody Payne

This song was one I brought with me when I moved to Nashville in 1964 and it helped me get my first recording contract. I was honored to sing on this version with Willie. -Dolly Parton

Willie Nelson is a true gypsy. No matter what era he might have been born in, his music would have touched the hearts and souls of everyone as it has in our time. -Waylon Jennings

Wille and his music have touched the lives of so many people and I personally have learned so much from him. Willie, I loved you before, I love you now and always.