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The Magic: the Gathering game plugin for LackeyCCG

You can install or update the magic game plugin by doing the following:
1.) Copy the following autoupdate URL to your clipboard:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not left-click this link because that will bring you to the web address and that's not what you want. You want to copy the URL to your computer's clipboard so that it can be pasted in LackeyCCG.

2.) In the Plugin panel (visible when you click the 4th tab at the top of the LackeyCCG window), paste the copied URL into field to the right of the button that says "Paste AutoUpdate URL".

3.) Click the button that says "Install or Update from URL". The required files will then download. This may take a few minutes, depending on your internet speed. Once files are done downloading, you'll be all set to load the plugin. The log will tell you when it's done downloading.

4.) If you're prompted to load the plugin you just downloaded, you can. Or you can click the button that says "Browse installed plugins to load one", select the magic plugin there, and click "Choose".

5.) Enjoy!

You can get the latest version of LackeyCCG from the downloads section of
There are video tutorials on how to use Lackey at

There are actually 2 different versions of the plugin, one with big images and one with smaller images
It is important to choose which version of the plugin is right for you: High or Medium. There are 2 things to consider:
  • Your download speed. If you have a very slow connection, you might not want to download the High quality plugin because the card images are pretty big (if you download a lot of the images).
  • The size of your monitor and its resolution. If you have a small monitor, such as the kind on laptop, or you have your monitor at a resolution like 800x600, you probably don't want to download the High quality plugin. It takes up too much area of the window. (The bigger the picture is, the less room there is for anything else.) Even though your iPad may seem like a small screen, it actually has a huge resolution, so you'll probably prefer the high version if you have an iPad.

    To update your plugin to the high quality plugin, copy the following URL to your clipboard:
    To update your plugin to the medium quality plugin, copy the folllowing URL to your clipboard:
    !!!!IMPORTANT NOTE!!!: Do not left-click this link because that will bring you to the web address and that's not what you want. You want to copy the URL to your computer's clipboard so that it can be pasted in LackeyCCG.
  • High Medium



    Drafting in LackeyCCG:

    You can draft within LackeyCCG, (and there's a tutorial for that here), but personally I prefer to draft using to do the actual drafting. Here's how to draft using that and LackeyCCG.

    1.) Go to and draft there. I'm sure there are tutorials elsewhere for that so I won't explain that here. When you are done drafting, use the "EXPORT TO MTGO" button with your card pool.

    2.) Use a text editor like Wordpad to open the file it downloads, which is named something like "TappedOut-Draft-Seat-Seat 1.txt". Select all the text in that file, and copy to your computer's clipboard.

    3. Then, in LackeyCCG, go to Deck Editor panel, and click the "Card Pool" tab around the middle of the deck editor window. Click the "Paste" button in the card pool area and lackey will import your whole card pool you just drafted.

    4.) You can either add cards one at a time to your deck list above, or you can use the "Add all to Deck" button and remove the cards from the deck list you don't want. You can also add to your card pool the pack called "100 Basic Lands". If you ever accidentally add more cards to your deck list than your pool allows, the "verify deck" button gets red. Click it to remove the extra cards from your deck list and make sure your deck can be made from your card pool.

    5.) Once you have your deck, play it on LackeyCCG. You might want to use a skype group or something like that to chat amongst all the drafters and arrange pairings. Or you can just chat on Lackey's game-matching server.

    For doing sealed, I do that right in LackeyCCG by opening packs in the card pool section. The video tutorial isn't magic specific, but it explains how to do that in this video.


    Official LackeyCCG Player site
    Official Magic: The Gathering site

    Legal Notice:
    All Magic: the Gathering content is the property of Wizards of the Coast. You may download the plugin only with the owner's permission or have purchased the cards and have a legal right to use them by means of "fair use".