Lieutenant Samuel Patton
Revolutionary War Service, 1778 - 1781

Samuel Patton, great grandson of William Patton I, who emigrated with his family to America in the early 1720's from Ireland, was born in Rowan County, NC in about 1761. In 1778, Samuel enlisted in the North Carolina Militia to serve in various campaigns throughout North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia as both an infantryman and waggoner.
I have written this article from Samuel's perspective based upon testimony he delivered to a Court of Pleas and Questions in 1832 and later in 1836 to obtain pension benefits from the war. His service was never fully recognized until more than 50 years after America gained Independence from Britian.
Based upon historical documents gathered by my mother, Janet Patton, over the last decades and my own historical research I have tried to write a narrative based on historical facts. My hope is that we can get a better understanding of our ancestor and his time.
Click on the links below for each chapter of the story!
Introduction - Pension Hearing 1836
PART ONE - Battle of Briar Creek
PART TWO - Court Martial of General John Ashe
PART THREE - Battle at Monck's Corner
PART FOUR - Buford's Massacre/Battle of the Waxhaws
PART FIVE - Battle of Ramsour's Mill
PART SIX - Indian Scout
View Rev. War - Transcribed Documents
View Muster Roll - Patton's Company near Augusta, GA - 1779
Email me!
If you have documents of first hand accounts of relatives who served in any of these battles or arenas please email me that information! Thanks!

All material contained on these pages is copyrighted by Charles L Patton and any use of the material must be obtained in writing from the author.